View Full Version : over feeding?

06-10-2007, 07:36 PM
is it possible to over feed your garter at one time...i offer rico as many worms as he can eat, and he ate his length if not more in worms, and idk if thats healthy or not and i am a little worried now thati might have done something i shouldn't have.

06-10-2007, 07:38 PM
yes, they can overeat....it has been known to kill a garter...I had a baby that pigged out and died. when feeding worms, they are mostly water so will pass fast....and make a big mess!!!! you need to get him on fish or rodents. scenting with worms works real well with snakes that eat worms....I get one of my red spots to eat rat pups that way.

06-10-2007, 07:45 PM
Yes, although its a bit harder than it seems, I've been feeding my large female a bunch of stuff for the last 3 years and have yet to overfeed. I've read somewhere here that a fuzzy a week is enough although I don't entirely agree with this as my girl is always much hungrier. ;*)