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View Full Version : All the animals lived in harmony.... Until the fire nation attacked

07-01-2012, 05:35 PM
So the nasty heat wave is hitting us here in Georgia with 106 degree weather! More gentle than other places, but the air conditioner went out.... All animal care protocol is being upheld.... Everyone is happy after a nice cool "reptile pool party"! Pythons, garter, salamanders, and frogs all enjoyed a cool dip, and the scorpion is enjoying wrestling with an ice cube every few minutes. The wasp colony is groutchier than usual, but they'll man up soon eneogh! Im currently laying on ice paks with my kitty.

So, what are all of you doing to fight the heat of the firey summer?

07-01-2012, 05:52 PM
Staying still as much as possible. My electric bill was more than double the previous month, so I've had to make some adjustments. I even lowered the thermostat on my rack from 87 to 82. I think 82 on the hot side and 74 on the cool side will be adequate. Thankfully the 100+ degree days have passed.

07-01-2012, 06:17 PM
Yeah...I've been keeping the heat off in some of my enclosures...with my adults and my albinos...I think it's plenty warm here in the house...they don't need additional heat right now. I just keep heat lamps on for my babies. I like to just stay in my room with my air conditioner and avoid going outside as much as possible...but I did go to the pool today and actually got in the water with all the splashing kids for a while. It hasn't been as warm here as in some of the other states...it has gotten up to 100 at the highest...what gets me is when it is 97 degrees at 10am. We had a horrible storm here the other night that woke up everyone in the house...the animals were hiding under my bed...the guinea pigs were freaked out...even the snakes were a bit stressed. Very loud thunder and hail that sounded like it was going to break the windows. We were lucky here...because I heard there were power outages and a lot of damage in some areas. A couple of little boys were killed while camping with their family near here. Just awful...I pray for that family.

07-01-2012, 06:37 PM
Wow, thats sad to hear about those boys:(

Here has been around the 100s, give or take, the past few weeks. I remember my grandpa saying "It's only 96 today," the other day:rolleyes: It's not usually this hot, this much, this soon in the year. I mostly just stay inside, unless I'm walking my dog or a dog at work, or just outside to smoke:p But it's almost too hot even to worry about smoking....:rolleyes:

07-01-2012, 06:39 PM
Yeah...a tree apparently fell on the tent. I imagine the family was surprised and awakened by the storm and didn't have time to get anywhere safe. Terrible tragedy.

07-01-2012, 09:39 PM
I live in western Washington, we have no summer. :D

07-02-2012, 01:37 AM
Become nocturnal. I love it, very peaceful.

07-02-2012, 03:16 AM
In Wales we had your 'summer' in March!I'ts been raining for about a month straight :mad:

07-02-2012, 02:12 PM
I move. All the T. Butlerii to the basement during the summer, turn off all the heat pads & trade higher watt bulbs for smaller ones.