View Full Version : The Many Options for Hides
06-29-2012, 12:36 PM
As we all know hides are essential for our little friends. I thought it would be fun for people to post what they like to use for hides. Pictures are welcome! :D
I use coconut halves (I but whole coconuts and half and clean them, yummy!), pieces of wood, and plants. I'll post pics after I get home from work. Bill likes to make stuff too.
Ok, your turn! :)
06-29-2012, 12:39 PM
Egg cartons, broken flower pots, bark! Anything a snake can hide in! One time I used a pair of sandals...
06-29-2012, 12:55 PM
This special hide came all the way from Finland.
My snakes have worldly tastes.:D
Kiitos Stefan hienosta käärmeen nahka.
06-29-2012, 01:26 PM
Here is my snakey's favorite hide. I'd like to get him a bigger water bowl, but this hide is connected to the bowl, and don't want to take it away from him....Anyways he looooves this hide, and spends most of time in there with his little head out, looking around. If you look closely, you can see him in it in the picture...He's the little blob on the left side of the "entrance" to his "cave.":p
06-29-2012, 01:44 PM
Right now he's hiding in my pajama pants leg:p...I'm only worried he could leave a "present" in there:rolleyes:
06-29-2012, 01:53 PM
I have the same water dish hide. Adira LOVES it.
06-30-2012, 01:42 AM
I used to make Thatch Roof Cottages out of upside-down flower pots and coconut fiber. But this weird dragon with a beefy arm growing out the back of its neck kept burninating them. So I dispensed with the thatch roofs and just use flower pots.
When Tiny was smaller, and I had him housed with Scarlett and Little Dude, I made a tiny hide out of an old Crystal Lite container. I felt that the flower pots were too big for his comfort.
06-30-2012, 05:13 AM
Ashtrays are good. Decorative ceramic dishes with petals or fluted edges add color town enclosure. Spoon rest saucers are a favorite with tiny butlers. (Snug and low.)
I have also knocked the back or bottom off of quaint looking bird houses.
A current project is a pair of fake, hollow. Railroad ties and a rusty foam 'rail' for a naturalistic Butler habitat that resembles the old rail line I find them along.
06-30-2012, 02:17 PM
Cardboard tubes are a consistent favourite with our guys.
06-30-2012, 03:05 PM
Cardboard tubes are a consistent favourite with our guys.
I've tried various hides but Glyph is attached to this paper towel tube that I've had for the longest time, and I just can't get rid of it.
I've even put newer ones in but he goes for the old one.
06-30-2012, 03:10 PM
Creatures of habit they are. Even creature of preference. You gotta love them there garters.
06-30-2012, 04:35 PM
My marcianus likes his polystyrene trays i get from the chippy plus they are handy because i can put his food bowl on top of it so he doesn't drag his food around in his bedding.
06-30-2012, 05:14 PM
Great ideas everyone! Keep em coming!
07-01-2012, 05:33 AM
Kiitos Stefan hienosta käärmeen nahka.
I don't remember sending you any snake skins. :D
07-01-2012, 05:54 AM
I don't remember sending you any snake skins. :D
Darn Google translator.:D
07-01-2012, 01:04 PM
Cee Cee's favorite hide was a slim jim can...she loved that thing...but they don't make them anymore. I have some hides that are store-bought...a fav of Cee Cee and Sadie is a little stone cave that sits over the heat mat. I also use those boxes that coffee single cups come in...I cut them down and there is a nice opening for the snake to get in and out of. I use other small cardboard boxes that I cut an opening into. Possums favorite hide is a box for denture cleaner I got from my I also use shoe boxes...the snakes can go inside and lie on the top. For my babies...I use little pieces of those foam containers that delivery food comes in...just lay it on top of the substrate and they can go under it. I also bought this very cool rock hide that has a couple of openings in it...Seeley loves to go inside and poke his head out.
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