View Full Version : Benefits of feeding Trout..?

06-28-2012, 06:06 PM
My two little ones *love* trout.
I had tried silversides and the girl ate, but the boy was uninterested. Before trying chopped up worms, i decided to try trout...they looove it!
I've been giving them strips with calcium powder on it. I want to make sure this is sufficient, if there is a specific calcium powder that may be better than another, and if there are any downsides to feeding trout.

My two little ones still don't have names, but they are active, growing, shedding, pooping away! They have lots of things in their enclosure they love to stretch out on, and peek at me to see if i'm coming over to feed them *lol*

Any and all advice appreciated!

Invisible Snake
06-28-2012, 06:36 PM
Does the calcium supplement have vitamin D3?

06-28-2012, 06:42 PM
Just be careful with the supplement. They need very little. Even less than the directions say, IMO.

What's the source of your trout? I ask because trout does have mercury in it. Levels will be significant, particularly with larger WC trout from industrialized parts of the country. Avoid the fat and skin and give them a varied diet. Don't feed them mainly just trout. Use trout to scent other things if you have to.

Mercury is less of a concern when using farmed rainbow trout or steelhead.

06-28-2012, 07:33 PM
Just be careful with the supplement. They need very little. Even less than the directions say, IMO.

Ok a little off subject, but what is IMO!? I've seen it quite a few times and can't figure it out...

06-28-2012, 07:34 PM
In my opinion. Text talk these days :p

06-28-2012, 07:36 PM
OOOOH! I see...Pretty obvious now....:rolleyes:Hehe I feel kinda dumb...:p

06-28-2012, 07:46 PM
Yes...I feed trout but I look for rainbow or steel-head...fresh not frozen, and I also feed pinkies and worms...so they don't get the trout all the time. As far as the calcium goes...repcal with D3 is a good one...but I only use a small dusting every 3-4 feedings if I use it at all.

06-28-2012, 08:30 PM
Sounds good. And BTW, these dang pugets are the same way. When they occasionally won't take anything else, they're always willing to go nuts for trout.

06-29-2012, 03:06 AM
I feed small whole farmed trout to my garter,they are this brand [i think its the larger of the two in the picture] Ammo - Frozen Baits and Aquarium Foods (http://www.ammodytes.co.uk/baits.php?type=2) .I chip small bits of the side every 2-3 days and mix it with half a chopped pinkie.Is this OK or should i change my feeding routine?

06-29-2012, 07:48 AM
rainbow trout are a natural prey item in the wild.... =)

06-29-2012, 09:15 AM
I feed small whole farmed trout to my garter,they are this brand [i think its the larger of the two in the picture] Ammo - Frozen Baits and Aquarium Foods (http://www.ammodytes.co.uk/baits.php?type=2) .I chip small bits of the side every 2-3 days and mix it with half a chopped pinkie.Is this OK or should i change my feeding routine?

Sounds fine to me.

rainbow trout are a natural prey item in the wild.... =)

Sierra garter:


06-29-2012, 12:59 PM
That garter seems to have eyes bigger than his stomach [typical garter]:D

06-29-2012, 01:15 PM
Looks like hes got a pretty big stomach!

06-30-2012, 06:15 PM
lol that is cute, and made me laugh. what a greedy thing!
I'm going to be hitting up the reptile show soon, and will get a nice mixture of pinky parts and trout going. (It is indeed rainbow trout).
Actually I may cut up a mouse before then, since they've been on fish for a little while and i want them to have the proper nutrition.

I've been having a trout feeding frenzy at my house, lol. The pyxie frog, the hognose snake, the garters...
I think I will cut back and make it more of a mixed food item, or a treat though. They know how to push me around, since i just like to see everyone eating!
Thank you all for the advice!

07-09-2012, 01:33 PM
Rainbow Trout is fine,l'd be careful with calcium suppliants,they can course more trouble then their worth,l use a multi vitamin suppliant called SA 50,its the best by far,plus l do not use vitamins on every feed,if the food is fresh and whole its not needed,l use it on about every forth feed