View Full Version : Projectile Urine?

06-21-2012, 11:55 PM
Today I was holding Proximus, and then all of a sudden I saw his vent starting to open up...I knew what was about to happen....:p So I prepared myself for him to use the restroom on me, and I stood up with my hand under him to catch it, and he shot(what I think was) pee out, toawrds me. He also pooped, thats why I'm assuming it was pee.

Is that pee, or was he trying to musk me? I don't think he's musked me, but also not sure what it smells like or looks like....

06-22-2012, 01:36 AM
It was proably some liquids and urate. My big checkered girl, Knot, once shot a load about 18 inches and nailed my bedroom door. They're very talented critters. They have to be creative to survive in the wild :P

mark cope
06-22-2012, 02:00 AM
Today I was holding Proximus, and then all of a sudden I saw his vent starting to open up...I knew what was about to happen....:p So I prepared myself for him to use the restroom on me, and I stood up with my hand under him to catch it, and he shot(what I think was) pee out, toawrds me. He also pooped, thats why I'm assuming it was pee.

Is that pee, or was he trying to musk me? I don't think he's musked me, but also not sure what it smells like or looks like....
Trust me, you will know when you have been musked,
Martha has musked me twice,and it is a true assault on your nostrils.:D

06-22-2012, 06:58 AM
This thread brings back vivid memories of my bunny with an attitude. He had free roam of the house but knew exactly where he was not allowed (beds, sofas, etc.). If he felt you weren't giving him enough attention, he would jump onto a piece of furniture and wait for you in a ready stance with ears up, muscles tense. As soon as you came close enough, he would leap in the air and do this little butt wiggle to spray pee all over you and then he would bolt out of the room and hide. If I wasn't home and he was bored, he would pee on my pillow. I miss my little baby! :(

Sorry if Im a little off topic!

06-22-2012, 07:11 AM
"I love the small of musk in the morning" quote from that movie Thamnophis Now starring Robert Duvall :D

I guess I should say good catch Emily.
Garters can be such cheeky little buggers:D

06-22-2012, 10:20 AM
This thread brings back vivid memories of my bunny with an attitude. He had free roam of the house but knew exactly where he was not allowed (beds, sofas, etc.). If he felt you weren't giving him enough attention, he would jump onto a piece of furniture and wait for you in a ready stance with ears up, muscles tense. As soon as you came close enough, he would leap in the air and do this little butt wiggle to spray pee all over you and then he would bolt out of the room and hide. If I wasn't home and he was bored, he would pee on my pillow. I miss my little baby! :(

Sorry if Im a little off topic!

I had a rabbit before. He had free range of my room for a while, but never had him do that:p The closest thing to that that he did was one time when me and my boyfriend(at the time)came home and he opened the door my rabbit flipped out, jumped high enough to kick him in the stomach(he's about 5'10"), and proceeded to jump and flip around the room for a couple seconds, and then went about his business like nothing even happened:p

But this was the first "projectile" urination so far....He's went on me plenty of times, but never projectiley...:rolleyes: I kind of figured I would know if he musked me, but wasn't sure.

06-22-2012, 11:10 AM
Projectiley. I like it and have added it to my dictionary. Nice usage Emily.:D