View Full Version : Shedding iregular

06-08-2007, 04:16 AM
Last time I posted about my borthers fox snake failed shed, he shed happily and cleanly after all, but his eyes have gone cloudy and hes going into shed again, isnt this a bit quick for an adult snake?

06-08-2007, 04:34 AM
I can't remember when it was you posted
sometimes one of my adult snakes will have two sheds just a couple of weeks apart
it's rare and it's usually because something else is going on
one of my newer snakes shed three times during the first month, but that was because he needed to shed out a lot of damaged skin and gain weight.
yours may be going through something similar, since the shed before last was a failed one - perhaps the one after that wasn't as perfect as it looked
either way I wouldn't worry about it

06-08-2007, 04:35 AM
You said it had a successful shed between this one and the failed one? It's possible that this shed is the "scheduled" one and the previous one was intended to repair the damage caused by the failed one.