06-07-2007, 11:49 PM
Hello all,
I'm working on a breeding setup for garters and I'm getting everything squared away with what I'm getting for it. I've got a female T.s.concinnus that I'm getting a male for; getting a pair of green T.s.pallidulus from Ryan at Valley Pets and hopefully getting a pair of T.s.pickeringii from Marian. The setup I have has 6 2'X2' cages and 2 4'X2' cages in it. I'm going to put the each T.s.pallidulus in one of the 2'X2' cages(from everything I've found, they stay small); the male T.s.concinnus and T.s.pickeringii will take two more of the 2'X2' cages and the female T.s.concinnus and pickeringii will share a 4'X2' cage. This leaves me with two 2'X2' and a 4'X2' cage. I'd like to work with one more Thamnophis species or subspiecies in addition to the ones I'm already getting. I'd like to work with a larger (as far as garters go) snake and some things that's just different. I know a lot of you out there work with a lot of different stuff, so thought I'd just through it out there and see if there are any garters that you think would be good to work with. One I'm interested in (I actaully have something in the classifieds about this) are the T.radix that come out of the Saskatchawan area of Canada. They look good sized and the colours on them are just spectacular. I don't know if I can get them though, so still very open to suggestions.
I'm working on a breeding setup for garters and I'm getting everything squared away with what I'm getting for it. I've got a female T.s.concinnus that I'm getting a male for; getting a pair of green T.s.pallidulus from Ryan at Valley Pets and hopefully getting a pair of T.s.pickeringii from Marian. The setup I have has 6 2'X2' cages and 2 4'X2' cages in it. I'm going to put the each T.s.pallidulus in one of the 2'X2' cages(from everything I've found, they stay small); the male T.s.concinnus and T.s.pickeringii will take two more of the 2'X2' cages and the female T.s.concinnus and pickeringii will share a 4'X2' cage. This leaves me with two 2'X2' and a 4'X2' cage. I'd like to work with one more Thamnophis species or subspiecies in addition to the ones I'm already getting. I'd like to work with a larger (as far as garters go) snake and some things that's just different. I know a lot of you out there work with a lot of different stuff, so thought I'd just through it out there and see if there are any garters that you think would be good to work with. One I'm interested in (I actaully have something in the classifieds about this) are the T.radix that come out of the Saskatchawan area of Canada. They look good sized and the colours on them are just spectacular. I don't know if I can get them though, so still very open to suggestions.