View Full Version : FRUSTRATION... lost snake is "found"

06-06-2007, 10:19 PM
Well, I am totally fluxxomed now!

Over a year ago, I had a gravid female eastern garter named RUBY, and a male named Sienna, who escaped their enclosure and disappeared into my basement. I spent a good bit of time searching for them, and months later, I found Sienna, who was living under the staircase. He probably had not eaten in all that time, unless he ate spiders. However, many months after that, I still could not find RUBY.

Well... here we are, almost 18 months later.

My neighbor asked me to come over and see what was lying by her front porch.

It was RUBY! She is fat and sassy, and probably gravid again!

She is living inside my neighbor's concrete front stoop... slithers in and out through a little hole that turns upwards, thus preventing any probing of the hole.

Ruby comes out about 6 inches from the hole and suns herself, but thus far we have not found her further away than that... and she is quick and I, in my 55 year old slowness, cannot move fast enough for my hand to beat her to the hole.

Yesterday I put out her old food dish with four f/t minnows in it, and this morning at around 9 AM, she was seen lying in her usual place, and the minnows gone.


06-06-2007, 10:22 PM

06-06-2007, 10:36 PM
Must be frustrating, but at least she's ok. Now all you need is a cunning plan. ;)

06-06-2007, 10:58 PM
Sorry for your frustration, but it's actually kind of funny that she turned up like that and is now just living it up at the neighbors.:rolleyes:

06-06-2007, 11:45 PM
Maybe you should take a book and go sit by her hold when the sun is getting warmer and wait for her to come out? That's a pretty funny story. Glad to hear she's ok.... Sounds like a pretty good self-sufficient snake!

06-07-2007, 12:44 AM
I'm just imagening you with the sprint of your life and then afterward the snake sticking his head out like "Better luck next time".:D

Hopefully you'll have better luck with your next plan;)

06-07-2007, 07:34 AM
Hay KITKAT; I have posted this a couple of times, and it might actually work for you, especially if you know where she has to come out, and you can bait the trap. Good luck.:)

Create a reptile tube trap, based on a technique suggested by HSUS animal capture consultant, Dave Pauli. Inside this trap, the temperature should be just right for the snake—more appealing than the surrounding area. The trap is a piece of thin-walled PVC tubing that's 2–3 ft. long. Drill a few 1/8" air holes along the length of the tube. Cap one end. In cold weather, place a disposable hand warmer, battery-operated electric sock, or heating pad in the far end of the tube, along with some soft cotton rags. If you have fresh rodent droppings, you may want to toss a few in there, too. (In hot weather, substitute an ice pack or cold, wet rag for the heat source.) Then drill a 1" hole into a cap and use it to cover the other end of the tube. Although the snakes can leave the trap, they usually stay inside because it's more comfortable for them. You can install a one- way valve by affixing a 1 1/2" stiff plastic circle over the inside of the cap. The snake can push its way in, but can't leave easily. (This trap also works with other reptiles, such as lizards.)

06-07-2007, 07:37 AM
Oh, man
what can I say
congrats in finding Ruby - good luck catching her
yeah - I'd try getting up early and waiting her out

06-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Great news that you found her. Let's hope you get your hands on her soon.

06-07-2007, 02:01 PM
At least she safe and healthy. Good luck grabbing her. :)

06-08-2007, 11:52 AM
School is OUT!

Starting tomorrow I should have time to sit and try to out-wait her! I just hope she has not moved... my neighbor is digging up the flower bed near her hide.:eek:

06-10-2007, 01:54 PM
Well, my neighbor has been digging around in her flower beds, and Ruby apparently has decided to move her digs. She has not been seen for three days now. However, my neighbor is a clutter-person and her yard is full of various objects, weeds, etc. This morning I found a large garter shed along the side of her house near her goldfish pond. I hope to re-discover Ruby there!

I have purchased 2 dozen minnows and will put them in a container on the lawn near the corner of my house, in hopes I can draw her to that area. It is about 20 - 30 feet from the area where I found the shed...:confused:

06-10-2007, 03:30 PM
You have some really friendly neighbors to let you snoop around their yard looking for your lost snake! I smell cookies for them :p

06-10-2007, 03:51 PM
Let's hope the minnows lure Ruby home!

06-11-2007, 06:19 AM
You have some really friendly neighbors to let you snoop around their yard looking for your lost snake! I smell cookies for them :p

Great idea... but it will have to be some other treat. My neighbor is allergic to wheat.

Damita also fosters rescue cats for my rescue organization, so we are pretty good friends!:D

06-19-2007, 11:14 AM
Earlier today, came a knock at my door.

It was my Fedex man, bearing a surprise!

He had a box, and in the box was a new garter baby! A flame!

This baby is a male, and I have been disappointed that I have been unable to capture Ruby, our escaped girl from two years ago, who showed up in my neighbor's flower bed (see thread below).

I settled the new baby in, and watched as he explored his new digs.

Then I set about working on some tax issues for my cat rescue... and a few hours later, came a knock at my door.

It was my neighbor who lives on the OTHER side of my house, bearing a surprise!

He was holding RUBY, our escaped girl!

He says she only bit him twice... ha ha! But then settled down nicely to being handled.

(did that sound like Howard Dean? LOL!)

I will try to post photos later today.:cool:

06-19-2007, 11:17 AM

By the way, you have the best neighbors ever. :D

06-19-2007, 11:36 AM
Earlier today, came a knock at my door.

It was my Fedex man, bearing a surprise!

He had a box, and in the box was a new garter baby! A flame!

This baby is a male, and I have been disappointed that I have been unable to capture Ruby, our escaped girl from two years ago, who showed up in my neighbor's flower bed (see thread below).

I settled the new baby in, and watched as he explored his new digs.

Then I set about working on some tax issues for my cat rescue... and a few hours later, came a knock at my door.

It was my neighbor who lives on the OTHER side of my house, bearing a surprise!

He was holding RUBY, our escaped girl!

He says she only bit him twice... ha ha! But then settled down nicely to being handled.

(did that sound like Howard Dean? LOL!)

I will try to post photos later today.:cool:

Congrats on getting your snake back!!!

06-19-2007, 11:42 AM
Great news! Congratulations.

06-19-2007, 12:19 PM
Your neighbors and Fedex man are amazing. Congrats.

06-19-2007, 01:23 PM
Your neighbors and Fedex man are amazing. Congrats.

Yeah, the neighbor on the south side has a CA King and a six foot corn... And... he has another pet that is even more unusual, but it has not moved in yet.:rolleyes: So he obviously was not afraid of my little garter girl!:cool:

06-19-2007, 03:15 PM
:D Congradulations on both the new Flame and the recovery.


06-19-2007, 04:12 PM
What is this mystery pet?

06-19-2007, 04:40 PM
What is this mystery pet?

Heh heh... wait and see! When he moves in, I will post pics...:rolleyes:

06-19-2007, 05:16 PM
glad its ok, and well

06-19-2007, 05:44 PM
Con-jo-grats on both the new Flame and getting Ruby back.

06-19-2007, 06:08 PM
Congrats on getting Ruby back and the little flame. Cant wait to see more pics. :)

06-19-2007, 06:27 PM
Heh heh... wait and see! When he moves in, I will post pics...:rolleyes:

Oh the suspense!! lol

06-19-2007, 07:51 PM
Congrats on getting her back!!!!!!

06-19-2007, 10:59 PM
Heh heh... wait and see! When he moves in, I will post pics...:rolleyes:
Fruit bat?

06-19-2007, 11:53 PM
Cool! Congrats on the recovery of your female and the arrival of your little flame.

06-20-2007, 06:30 AM
Congrats on both
I thought I'd already said that, but I must have forgotten to post whatever I wrote then
so what about the surprise?
is it legal?

06-21-2007, 08:57 PM
Our neighbor's pet moved in tonight, but it was too dark for photos. I promise some tomorrow!:D :p :rolleyes:

06-21-2007, 09:08 PM
Our neighbor's pet moved in tonight, but it was too dark for photos. I promise some tomorrow!:D :p :rolleyes:

Oh fine just leave me hanging like that! :D

06-22-2007, 03:40 AM
Glad you found you're escapee! And congrats on the new addition, lost of piccys please!!

06-22-2007, 02:11 PM
I'm excited for those pics! Congrats, again, on finding and acquiring a snake!

06-22-2007, 07:23 PM


This is a color that is common to Ohio. The pink cast on the sides are caused by orange skin between the scales. Also, the dark checkers on the back are dark chocolate in color, not black.

This is the snake that I thought was Ruby, my escapee. However, there are a few differences that make me suspicious. I am pretty sure this is a female... anyone think she looks gravid?:rolleyes:

For now, I am calling her "Lily".

06-22-2007, 07:25 PM
kinda hard to tell....a good shot from the top would help....

06-22-2007, 07:48 PM
My neighbor's new pet arrived yesterday evening.

Here are the first pics!:rolleyes:

v Oh I am sooo mean!:eek:



06-23-2007, 04:42 AM
definitely not what I expected
and guess what
Mikhaila wants one (born in the year of the tiger - of course she does)
how does your neighbor get to keep one?

as to the snake
it's magnificent
and it's not Ruby?

06-23-2007, 05:01 AM
you gotta have some serious confidence to own a tiger!!!

i think i'll stick to animals i can hold for now :p

06-23-2007, 07:58 AM
Well... what has happened with my neighbor is that he is in his 60's and had a stroke about a year ago. When that happened, he realized that his tiger, his two lynx, and his cougar, might outlive him.

So he sold his home that is 2 hours from here, moved his big cats into a the care of a friend during the transition, and bought the mobile home, two car garage, and acre and a half next door to us.

He selected our area because there is a big cat rescue near us, and he is now volunteering for them while they care for his cougar and two lynx. I guess if something happens to him, they will take over the care of his animals.

Next, he built the tiger cage, and is now awaiting the USDA inspector to come and re-license him. The cougar and two lynx are already living in the rescue, about two miles from here, and they will not be moving in next door... but the tiger is his favorite, and is emotionally attached to the owner, so the tiger will be the only one next door.

The system that has been built is very safe. The tiger is inside a huge cage with a top. That cage is inside a fence. The fence is 4 foot apart from the cage on all four sides.

The inner cage has a wire box in it, which has a plywood door. The tiger is trained to go into the box on command, and he stand and waits until the plywood door is closed by a cable and a latch. When the door is closed, the owner can go inside to clean the cage... and when finished, the owner comes back out and raises the plywood door again so that the tiger can come back out into the cage.

So the night that Rowdy the tiger arrived, we were standing around watching him adjust to his new cage. He was acting DELIGHTED to be with his owner again! I asked if he needed something to scratch with his claws, as a cat would... and the owner replied yes... so I went to our wood pile and got him a log to scratch. When I arrived with the log, the tiger took one look at me and went into his box!

The owner shut the box, took the log into the cage, exited the cage, and opened the box. Rowdy came out and scratched the log in delight. Talk about a smart tiger!;)

06-23-2007, 08:03 AM
Well... what has happened with my neighbor is that he is in his 60's and had a stroke about a year ago. When that happened, he realized that his tiger, his two lynx, and his cougar, might outlive him.

So he sold his home that is 2 hours from here, moved his big cats into a the care of a friend during the transition, and bought the mobile home, two car garage, and acre and a half next door to us.

He selected our area because there is a big cat rescue near us, and he is now volunteering for them while they care for his cougar and two lynx. I guess if something happens to him, they will take over the care of his animals.

Next, he built the tiger cage, and is now awaiting the USDA inspector to come and re-license him. The cougar and two lynx are already living in the rescue, about two miles from here, and they will not be moving in next door... but the tiger is his favorite, and is emotionally attached to the owner, so the tiger will be the only one next door.

The system that has been built is very safe. The tiger is inside a huge cage with a top. That cage is inside a fence. The fence is 4 foot apart from the cage on all four sides.

The inner cage has a wire box in it, which has a plywood door. The tiger is trained to go into the box on command, and he stand and waits until the plywood door is closed by a cable and a latch. When the door is closed, the owner can go inside to clean the cage... and when finished, the owner comes back out and raises the plywood door again so that the tiger can come back out into the cage.

So the night that Rowdy the tiger arrived, we were standing around watching him adjust to his new cage. He was acting DELIGHTED to be with his owner again! I asked if he needed something to scratch with his claws, as a cat would... and the owner replied yes... so I went to our wood pile and got him a log to scratch. When I arrived with the log, the tiger took one look at me and went into his box!

The owner shut the box, took the log into the cage, exited the cage, and opened the box. Rowdy came out and scratched the log in delight. Talk about a smart tiger!;)

That's awesome, but that man is braver than I'd ever be!

06-23-2007, 08:12 AM
that is so cool
not just looks . . .

06-29-2007, 10:19 PM



Here is a little flame male I got recently from Scott Felzer. He was refusing to eat, but in the last 24 hours, he suddenly figured it out and ate three small guppies from his water dish. His name is Sparky.:D

06-30-2007, 01:32 AM
Hello, Sparky. :)

06-30-2007, 03:42 AM
hi Sparky
cute little guy
nice colour

06-30-2007, 07:01 AM
Hi Sparky. Who's a pretty boy then?!

Lulu Bennett
06-30-2007, 11:08 AM
Well... what has happened with my neighbor is that he is in his 60's and had a stroke about a year ago. When that happened, he realized that his tiger, his two lynx, and his cougar, might outlive him.

So he sold his home that is 2 hours from here, moved his big cats into a the care of a friend during the transition, and bought the mobile home, two car garage, and acre and a half next door to us.

He selected our area because there is a big cat rescue near us, and he is now volunteering for them while they care for his cougar and two lynx. I guess if something happens to him, they will take over the care of his animals.

Next, he built the tiger cage, and is now awaiting the USDA inspector to come and re-license him. The cougar and two lynx are already living in the rescue, about two miles from here, and they will not be moving in next door... but the tiger is his favorite, and is emotionally attached to the owner, so the tiger will be the only one next door.

The system that has been built is very safe. The tiger is inside a huge cage with a top. That cage is inside a fence. The fence is 4 foot apart from the cage on all four sides.

The inner cage has a wire box in it, which has a plywood door. The tiger is trained to go into the box on command, and he stand and waits until the plywood door is closed by a cable and a latch. When the door is closed, the owner can go inside to clean the cage... and when finished, the owner comes back out and raises the plywood door again so that the tiger can come back out into the cage.

So the night that Rowdy the tiger arrived, we were standing around watching him adjust to his new cage. He was acting DELIGHTED to be with his owner again! I asked if he needed something to scratch with his claws, as a cat would... and the owner replied yes... so I went to our wood pile and got him a log to scratch. When I arrived with the log, the tiger took one look at me and went into his box!

The owner shut the box, took the log into the cage, exited the cage, and opened the box. Rowdy came out and scratched the log in delight. Talk about a smart tiger!;)

sorry to interupt what you guys are talking about but OMG :eek: you have a tiger living next door? wow you lucky git! they are amazing creatures xxx

07-01-2007, 04:34 PM
Yeah, Rowdy the tiger is quite the neighborhood pet now, except for the lady four doors up who is trying to make trouble for him... but no worries on that, cause there are no laws here to prevent him from living here.

On another subject... here is another new baby in my house... THANK YOU SO MUCH, ssssnakelover for the beautiful female red sided girls!!!


Gaia (Earth Mother) is eating, but not as well as her sister. I am watching her upper lip... it almost looks like she still has some of her "egg tooth". Do garters HAVE an egg tooth like other newborn snakes?

07-01-2007, 04:37 PM
And this little girl is another red sided from ssssnakelover! Her name is Trinity. She ate three gulpies ... er... I mean guppies last night! :D


07-01-2007, 04:38 PM
Now I just need to find Mr. Right for the girls!:rolleyes:

07-01-2007, 04:42 PM
Gulpy is beautiful!

07-01-2007, 04:44 PM
Gulpy is beautiful!

Ha ha ha! Great nickname for Trinity! I'll have to remember that!

Lulu Bennett
07-01-2007, 04:46 PM
well done they are fantastic! im guessing a few of you live quite close to one another and know eachother off here . thats quite cool.

07-01-2007, 04:48 PM
well done they are fantastic! im guessing a few of you live quite close to one another and know eachother off here . thats quite cool.

Actually, they were shipped. ssssnakelover and I live a couple thousand miles apart!:eek:

Lulu Bennett
07-01-2007, 04:50 PM
lol ok then. you are able to ship snakes? cool. would they do long distance? like uk long distance?

07-01-2007, 04:52 PM
Shipping outside the USA is difficult and I believe expensive... but apparently can be done... although I have never done it.

07-01-2007, 04:52 PM
They can do it, Lulu, that's how we get Garters in the UK in the first place. But it's expensive unless you're importing large enough quantities to make the shipping costs worth while.

Lulu Bennett
07-01-2007, 04:53 PM
< feels dumb! oh yeah! D'oh! never thought of that lol please keep im mind its midnight!

07-01-2007, 06:48 PM
Trinity looks like a California red-sided to me
am I right?

07-01-2007, 09:46 PM
trintiy is a regular red sided garter...t s parietalis. :D

07-02-2007, 12:31 AM
Here is Tiger Lily, the girl that my neighbor brought to my door. Do you think she is still gravid?



07-02-2007, 12:38 AM
ssssnakelover also sent me a trio of T e vagrans. They are beautiful snakes and the first wanderings I have ever seen in person!

Here are the female and the young male, staring at my parietalis, who is in a neighboring tank.


... and a closeup of the second male...


07-02-2007, 12:41 AM
Very nice looking snakes. :)

07-02-2007, 04:06 AM
trintiy is a regular red sided garter...t s parietalis. :D

she maybe a regular, but she looks very special
do you have more like that?

and the T. e.vagrans are lovely

07-02-2007, 08:00 AM
Tigerlily is a WC snake, but in the past we never had any of the orange striped variety here. Since I have seen Ruby, my escapee with the orange stripe, and since Ruby escaped over 2 years ago, I suspect that Tigerlily might be Ruby's daughter.

Ruby appears to still live under my neighbor's pond waterfall, based on where we are finding sheds.

I am hoping Tigerlily is still gravid, and if so, and we have babies, I can keep a couple of girls to go with the male flame I got from Scott Felzer. And if there are several babies from Tigerlily, I would also offer them to forum members.:cool:

The wanderings that Don sent me are absolutely lovely. I thought it was humorous when the female spotted Ivory in the tank next door and stared at her. Ivory is an elderly parietalis.

07-02-2007, 07:34 PM

Gaia (Earth Mother) is eating, but not as well as her sister. I am watching her upper lip... it almost looks like she still has some of her "egg tooth". Do garters HAVE an egg tooth like other newborn snakes?

The answer came last night. The rough place on her nose is the beginning of her second shed... she completed it during the night! It is no wonder she was not eating well... interestingly, she never had the milky eyecaps. Perhaps they went milky during shipping. And... I am glad to see she continued to eat (although less) during a shed! Good girl!

07-02-2007, 10:10 PM
one of them shed in the container the night before she was shipped!!! Ihave a sister of the 2 red siders..she has no red at all...and a neat pattern!!!

07-03-2007, 11:02 AM
one of them shed in the container the night before she was shipped!!! Ihave a sister of the 2 red siders..she has no red at all...and a neat pattern!!!

That must have been Trinity, then.

Today while I was working at the PC desk, I heard something drop off onto the floor, and caught motion from the corner of my eye at the same time. I then checked the critter keepers next to the desk, and yup! Trinity was missing!:eek:

Got down on my hands and knees and crawled under the desk and behind the printer stand, where I spotted Trinity trying to climb the baseboard, and nabbed her!:cool:

Then, while crawling out of the hole on two knees and one hand (so as not to hurt the baby), I hit the power strip with my other hand and turned it off... thus shutting down my PC without proper shut-down procedures!:eek:

Got Trinity back into her keeper, and am sitting here watching her, trying to figure out how she got out! :confused:

There are two very tiny holes where there used to be a little handle on the top of the critter keeper, and if nothing else occurs to me, I am gonna stop them up with duct tape on the top.

07-03-2007, 11:45 AM
they're amazing aren't they?
for my little ones I've lined a regular screen top with finer mesh screening and I use weights on top
so far it's worked
good luck with yours

07-03-2007, 12:11 PM
Lol nice save ! Don't worry about the computer so much though, I know a lot of people will claim that its awful for your PC, but only if done a TON of times. While playing cnc3 I had to shutdown that way when the game completely froze. I haven't noticed any real problems though.

07-03-2007, 12:20 PM
If you drape a fine piece of muslin gauze over the top of the container before snapping the lid on, nothing can escape!

07-03-2007, 05:48 PM
If you drape a fine piece of muslin gauze over the top of the container before snapping the lid on, nothing can escape!


I'll try that.

This afternoon, I placed her critter keeper inside the 5 gallon tank where I am keeping Scott Felzer's flame male... figured if she got out, she would still be contained. This evening she has not escaped, so I figure she probably was perched in the lid somehow and got by me when I opened it to count guppies...:o