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View Full Version : They say everything comes in threes

mark cope
05-30-2012, 05:09 PM
Hello peeps,
Last week Neo shed,
Monday just gone Martha shed,
http://i1068.photobucket.com/albums/u453/copey1975/Joe and his garter/2012_05280007.jpg
To-day me and Joe took Kellogg out and
Joe is delighted, cos now he is going to have an even bigger shed for show and tell.
As for me I see sheds like buses, you wait for one then, three come along at once;).
Kellogg is just over three feet long, don't think he will fit int a Herp-haven:eek:
Mark(the shed)cope.

05-30-2012, 05:12 PM
Shedding is a good sign and tells much about a snakes health.
Glad to hear things are going so well.
Good job Mark and Joe.

05-30-2012, 05:16 PM
Get your Joe to write an essay - "Compare and contrast the sheds of different snakes" :)
Great educational experience for him, bet he's grinning ear to ear at the prospect of another shed.
But seriously, there really differences between sheds, I don't know if you can see the variation in the two you have. Size apart, I think I could identify which of my snakes a shed came from, even down to picking up whether the checkered shed was from the albino or normal.
My favourite sheds come from the Cuitzeos, lovely texture, but then again they have great texture to the skin when they are wearing it.