View Full Version : Yearling size?

05-24-2012, 11:05 PM
I've been browsing the kingsnake garter ads (bad idea for me :p) and I noticed several yearlings for sale. They all looked a LOT smaller than Harley. I was just curious if anyone has measurements or pictures of their yearlings? It'd be interesting to compare.
She is a female eastern btw.

05-25-2012, 12:31 AM
My little man that was born 8/1/11 is about 11-12 in. long. He is a NW (T. ordinoides). My female albino checkered is about a month older and twice the girth and about 13-14 in.

05-25-2012, 03:39 AM
T.S.Infernalis = 23 inch
T.S.Sirtalis = 20.5 inch
T.Radix = 21 inch

All from june last year

05-25-2012, 11:09 PM
Okay, cool. Harley is about 21 inches. I kept wondering if maybe I was just seeing males on the ads, so that's probably what was happening.

Wow, 23 inches at one year old! That's pretty impressive. Are infernalis generally bigger than other species?

05-25-2012, 11:38 PM
If you do get a male for Harley, you'll have to name him Joker.

05-26-2012, 12:04 AM
Or name him Quin.... Harley and Quin!

05-26-2012, 12:19 AM
Haha, Harley is actually short for Harley-quin :D

I have been looking around for a male for her (garter addiction...). I really can't just stop with getting the Joker though, you know I'd eventually have to get all the batman villains. Darn :rolleyes:

05-26-2012, 12:20 AM
I had figured. It'd still be pretty cool to have Harley and Quin ;)

05-26-2012, 04:19 AM
Wow, 23 inches at one year old! That's pretty impressive. Are infernalis generally bigger than other species?
No idea. I actually stopped feeding pinkies a few weeks ago because I was worried she was growing too fast so now she is on an almost 100% fish diet, but she still won't slow down! She isn't fat at all though so I guess it's allright, I wonder how big she'll end up being.

05-26-2012, 10:11 PM
No idea. I actually stopped feeding pinkies a few weeks ago because I was worried she was growing too fast so now she is on an almost 100% fish diet, but she still won't slow down! She isn't fat at all though so I guess it's allright, I wonder how big she'll end up being.

I had been away for several months, then came home and saw Harley again. She had grown so much that she was buried in the substrate and I grabbed the end of her tail to pick her up thinking it was her body :rolleyes: I was wondering if it was the pinkies, but I think it's just that it's been so long since I've had a baby one that I guess I forgot how quickly they grow! Plus, my other one was a male, so he didn't get that big so quickly.

05-27-2012, 10:53 AM
My male eastern was probably only about a foot long when he was just a year...but he was probably 2 and a half feet long six months later. I'd say he is full grown now...and I am guessing he is a little over 2 years old....hard to tell because he was wild caught. He topped out at 2 and a half feet. Female easterns can get much larger. Cee Cee is 3 feet long and probably at least 3 years old. I would say that Harley is on schedule...but as a female she should keep growing. She should be at least 3 feet long when she is full grown. I have seen easterns get quite large. Most of the full grown females around here are at least 3 feet long.

05-27-2012, 07:44 PM
I've only ever seen one fully grown eastern female. For some reason, we have tons of snakes in my area but almost none of them are garters! That's cool. I knew she'd end up bigger than my male, who is about 26 inches, but I didn't know how much.

05-28-2012, 12:12 PM
My experience with the easterns around here has been that all of the wild adult females I have seen have been about the same size as Cee Cee...but I'm sure there are smaller ones around, and maybe even larger ones. Like I said, my experience has been limited to the easterns I have seen in my yard. I will be interested to see how big your girl gets!