View Full Version : Odd question about feeding multiple Garters.
05-23-2012, 03:30 PM
So this might be a question Steve can answer or anyone who knows the answer :) it's a bit odd but here goes :P How does one feed multiple garters in a tank? sounds funny but toss a worm in and try to seperate 4-5 garters from all tearing away at it so I'm thinking can you make a big bowl with chopped up worms or something and all let them ravage the bowl? All the years I've kept garters they've always been kept seperate due to the basic rule that there is no benefits to keeping snakes together but garters in my opinion are different :) plus the 4 garters I have were found together all coiled up under a log where major construction is happening and I didn't want to risk them being killed. So anyways I have those 4 together in a 55 gallon tank and rather than pulling one out at a time to feed I figured it might be easier to put a dog bowl in there with chopped up worms and tallapia and let them have a feast together? as for mice I haven't tried to feed them any yet. They are common easterns but I'm sure I can convince them to eat some eventually.
05-23-2012, 03:40 PM
You still have to monitor the food time. If you don't there could be injuries or even death.
05-23-2012, 03:43 PM
Had I known you were online I would of just messaged you instead lol
05-23-2012, 03:52 PM
Not a problem. Good discussion subject.
05-23-2012, 04:02 PM
"Bowl feeding" is a very common and useful method. After the snakes have become accustomed to this way of feeding you can slip a few mice in with the rest of the food. A hungry snake usually wont discriminate! All the scents cover up the rodent scent.
05-23-2012, 04:04 PM
I am going to try this tonight for the first time, in the past I had so many tanks so each garter had it's own tank but after running out of spare 20 gallong tanks and seeing as how they are so communal I might as well keep these 4 girls together :) I'll just make sure to monitor the feedings as Steve mentioned to make sure
Light of Dae
05-23-2012, 07:43 PM
Bowl feeding is what I do, Nice bite size pieces and filler up, add a touch of water to keep everything from getting dried n tacky, and there you have it. A tank full of happy, fat n full Garters :)
**Although I should have to agree with Steve and say watch them as they eat to
1.) Break up any food fights
2.) Make sure everyone gets some
3.) It is awesome to watch.
Last time I feed my two guys, Daffy decided to have both portions to himself... I was busy doing house work n watching for food fights, and then turned around to see only one very fat Radix n a still hungry Checkered looking at me like.... ??? I smelt food. Where is it? lol oops.
05-23-2012, 07:47 PM
Good radix, good Daffy:D
Invisible Snake
05-23-2012, 08:24 PM
I prefer to take out each of my garters from their communal housing to feed them separately and I also prefer to feed them whole prey/food unless they are babies.
05-24-2012, 09:36 AM
I prefer to take out each of my garters from their communal housing to feed them separately and I also prefer to feed them whole prey/food unless they are babies.
I also prefer to separate for feeding, but it's mostly for my benefit - I don't have to watch for food fights, I'll know how much they ate, and I use the opportunity to do some cleaning. I also have some snakes who take their sweet time deciding if they're going to eat or not, so rather than watch for an hour I just check on them periodically. I also feed my largest snake last - sometimes she gets so many leftovers from the others that I don't need to set aside any food for her.
05-24-2012, 09:47 AM
I also prefer to separate for feeding, but it's mostly for my benefit - I don't have to watch for food fights, I'll know how much they ate, and I use the opportunity to do some cleaning. I also have some snakes who take their sweet time deciding if they're going to eat or not, so rather than watch for an hour I just check on them periodically. I also feed my largest snake last - sometimes she gets so many leftovers from the others that I don't need to set aside any food for her.
It's not a garter, but I tend to do this with my Kingsnake (Splendida, Desert) as it will eat anything the others will and has a brilliant feeding response.
05-24-2012, 02:18 PM
My 'normal' feeders who are relatively close in size bowl feed together without problems. Smaller or shyer individuals benefit from separate feeding- just watch that nobody is getting intimidated and hiding without a full belly.
05-24-2012, 04:06 PM
I always feed all of my snakes separately except for my baby easterns...they eat together, under close supervision, because food fights do occur. I use feed tanks for my adults.
05-25-2012, 12:56 AM
All of ours are hand fed or tong fed individually, in tank, and supervised until food is swallowed completely. They stress too much if we move them to a feeding tank, then they don't eat. We keep a food log of who ate and how much so we know who to offer snacks to first.
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