View Full Version : Found snake in yard

05-19-2012, 07:13 AM
Posting some pics of a snake I found in my yard this morning in one of the hides I set up. Not sure on sex but the snake has 2 injuries on her underside. One looks older than the other, the one lower on her body, the fresher one is clogged or packed with dirt. There isn't fresh, visible bleeding but it's definitely the fresher of the 2 wounds. Tips on cleaning her up? We'll probably just try to get him/her on the mend and then return to the yard. Pics below.


Yes, I'm wearing gloves because I'd rather have the wild ones musk the gloves than my hands. :D

05-19-2012, 09:28 AM
Looks like a nice male dark phase T.radix (Plains garter). Opaque phase(shedding phase) if I'm not mistaken.
Looks like sometime in a shed box is in order to clean up that dirty vent. Once it's clean some silver sulfadiazine would be in order.
Things will probably look a lot better after the shed.
Keep us posted.
By the way, Mark has a pair of hemostats for you.;)

Invisible Snake
05-19-2012, 09:49 AM
Hey try giving the snake a lukewarm soaking.

05-19-2012, 10:04 AM
Talked with Steve and I think I have the situation under control (we"ll SEE....:rolleyes:). The snake really is a nice looking guy. I cleaned him up with a little bath and tried to clean up the vent area as best I could. Now some of it is up to him. Steve how long in the conditions we set up for him, and is anything a rather rinse repeat step, if you know what I mean?

05-19-2012, 10:11 AM
Not sure what you mean.

05-19-2012, 10:18 AM
Have him in less than 1/2 inch warmish water, warmish towel in with him. sliding around in there pretty good checking everything out (probably just looking for escape). How long does he stay in this setting? Is this a treatment for hours, days, until shed??

05-19-2012, 10:23 AM
Before I set up the shoe box with the water/towel I stuck in the last of Butterscoth's worms (about 8). He ate them all by the time I got back with the stuff to do the box. The worms are just right for her so it was no surprise to me that they were gone. Supposed to rain here today so maybe I can find something more his size, or at the least larger quantity. Didn't even bulge his stomach with what he had.

05-19-2012, 10:23 AM
A couple hours a day until the vent is cleaner should do nicely.

05-19-2012, 10:26 AM
Great, thanks. I'm going to get this guy squared away for the day then and off to slumber land for me.... I'll talk to you later.

05-19-2012, 11:27 AM
Glad you found him and that you are taking care of him. Good luck and keep us posted.

05-19-2012, 09:06 PM
Steve your eyes did not fool you. I checked on him again about 7:30pm to see what he was up to, and his shed is off to his neck. His head looks so amazing with those fresh scales all bright and shiny. Hope he can work everything else off over night. I'll check on him in the morning, hopefully some pics of a new shiny snake.

05-19-2012, 09:09 PM
That is great.

05-20-2012, 08:54 AM
When a snake is in shed and it is off a little past his neck, does that mean that all the old skin is ready to come off and the snake just has to work that off in its own time? Because if yes, then if the snake is calm enough and will allow you to could you just grab hold and peel them like a banana? Or, is it better to let them do it on their own and only jump in when they are having some king of issue.

05-20-2012, 09:05 AM
When a snake is in shed and it is off a little past his neck, does that mean that all the old skin is ready to come off and the snake just has to work that off in its own time? Because if yes, then if the snake is calm enough and will allow you to could you just grab hold and peel them like a banana? Or, is it better to let them do it on their own and only jump in when they are having some king of issue.

Leave them to do it on their own. It, should only take minutes (so chances are it's all over by the time I finish this post). The only time I interfered was when one of mine broke the shed on a skin injury, then I just held the broken end to anchor it while she carried on wriggling out of it.
Sit back, watch and enjoy.

05-20-2012, 09:44 AM
WOW Chris you could not have been more right! I don't think I've left him alone for 15 minutes, went to check on him and the shed is off. Both eye caps, tip of tail. This snake looks BAD A@@!!! Pics when my wife can help out with the camera. Cool snake. The vent area is looking better too after day two of treating it. Not there yet but getting there. And, Steve it does look completly different (better) after the shed.

05-20-2012, 10:29 AM
This wife photo-dependence has got to end. We want photos now.:D

05-20-2012, 10:51 AM
I agree Steve. What's wrong with snake in one hand camera in the other? :)

05-20-2012, 01:01 PM
This is the wife... the problem is that he can't run the camera either, he can barely run the computer. :)

05-20-2012, 01:05 PM
Here are the latest pics after the shed. The gloves are off because he and I are friends now. The wife is going to help me put the rest of the pics in the gallery.


05-20-2012, 01:06 PM
A couple more...


05-20-2012, 01:09 PM
Steve - What do you think of the vent area? Looking better?

05-20-2012, 01:56 PM
Wow what a handsome boy! Do you have him on paper towels right now to see if he does his business ok? The vent looks better, but still not great. Keep up the good work.

05-20-2012, 02:43 PM
Kat, yes. Been waiting for rain here for what seems like over a week. Threatens to with no result. The ground is so dry I can't even dig for worms right now. Along the side of my garage today I found what looked to be a very young snake just dead. Didn't seem to have any wounds so maybe just starved??? I went to a bait shop around the corner from where I live, dozen large earthworms for $3. I feed this guy 3 of them minus what I cut off one for Butterscocth. These things were bigger than my snake in width and longer than her when fully stretched out and crawling around. SO now that I know he has eaten a good meal that dinner will have to exit at some point. I'll keep working on him and hope the vent clears up. So far so good.

05-20-2012, 02:45 PM
Also, when I was talking with Steve on the phone I had shared with him that even though this was a recovery mission, sort of, there are no plans right now to keep this guy.....:rolleyes:, just get him on the mend then release. Damn he is good looking though.

05-20-2012, 03:07 PM
This is the wife... the problem is that he can't run the camera either, he can barely run the computer. :)

Steve - Is Dan reminding you of anyone?

Also, when I was talking with Steve on the phone I had shared with him that even though this was a recovery mission, sort of, there are no plans right now to keep this guy.....:rolleyes:, just get him on the mend then release. Damn he is good looking though.

Good job. You know that by the time he's healed up you may have grown attached.

05-20-2012, 04:05 PM
This is the wife... the problem is that he can't run the camera either, he can barely run the computer. :)

Oh I like your style. Point taken. I can see why you're the better 9/10th.

05-20-2012, 04:07 PM
Steve - What do you think of the vent area? Looking better?

The difference between night and day. Looks a lot better.

Male by the way.

05-20-2012, 04:12 PM
Oh I like your style. Point taken. I can see why you're the better 9/10th.

Me man. Me like rock. Me like fire. Fire hot. Rock hard. Errghh. Okay, I'll go back in my cave now...:D. Computers, smart phones, digital cameras. Who can keep up.

05-20-2012, 04:14 PM
Me man. Me like rock. Me like fire. Fire hot. Rock hard. Errghh. Okay, I'll go back in my cave now...http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif. Computers, smart phones, digital cameras. Who can keep up.

Your wife.:D

05-20-2012, 04:17 PM
Your wife.:D

Yep, she is the best. Not that it took this to know, but she just proved it yet again when the woman who will have nothing to do with snakes let Butter come in and stay. Then she let this guy in to be fixed up. Although this young man is big enough to give her the creeps.

05-20-2012, 04:19 PM
Yep, she is the best. Not that it took this to know, but she just proved it yet again when the woman who will have nothing to do with snakes let Butter come in and stay. Then she let this guy in to be fixed up. Although this young man is big enough to give her the creeps.

And the forum thanks her.

05-20-2012, 05:02 PM
If it makes you feel any better, Dan, I can't take pictures with one hand and hold a snake in the other....I always wait for my son to take the pics since I am the only one that will hold the snakes.

05-21-2012, 07:13 PM
So day 3 of treatments to the vent area and day 2 after shed. Looks like a totally new snake. I've waited for it to get to this point before I apply the cream Steve and I discussed. So Steve.... just apply a little of that cream with Q-Tip externally around the vent? Won't his crawling around on the paper towels after just rub it off? I understand I guess with snakes being belly crawlers you just treat externally as best you can and what sticks, sticks.

05-21-2012, 07:27 PM
So day 3 of treatments to the vent area and day 2 after shed. Looks like a totally new snake. I've waited for it to get to this point before I apply the cream Steve and I discussed. So Steve.... just apply a little of that cream with Q-Tip externally around the vent? Won't his crawling around on the paper towels after just rub it off? I understand I guess with snakes being belly crawlers you just treat externally as best you can and what sticks, sticks.

What sticks, sticks. Good way to word it.

05-22-2012, 04:44 PM
If this guy ate this morning, 3 nightcrawlers, about 9:30 AM. Then being handled for a photo opp stressed him out enough that he voided this mornings said meal at 5:15 PM. Should I feed him again? Wait and let how much time go by? I feel awful, I was wanting to give the forum an update on his vent (I think he looks great) and I thought by having the whole day for that meal to settle he would be okay, but I was wrong. So now what? Feed or not to feed, that is the question?

05-22-2012, 04:46 PM
I'd wait a day and feed him tomorrow. The photo can wait.

05-22-2012, 04:55 PM
I'd wait a day and feed him tomorrow. The photo can wait.

Thanks Steve.

05-22-2012, 05:02 PM
I generally try to avoid handling my snakes until the second day after a meal. It may not be necessary, but I've never had one regurgitate on me.

05-22-2012, 05:42 PM
Get to know the snake, it sounds like this one needs a good break between feeding and handling. That's not really surprising for a newly captured snake.

05-22-2012, 05:44 PM
This being a recently W/C snake, this incident doesn't surprise me.
Easily stressed and the fact it's a male weighs to the regurg.

You were reading my mind Chris. You just posted faster.:D

05-24-2012, 03:45 PM
Here are a couple of pics from today. How do you think the vent looks now?


05-24-2012, 03:48 PM
Looks good. Some scale damage but that should repair itself with the next few sheds.
I want to see some body photos. Nice dark phase male. He might need to live on the Ranch:D

05-24-2012, 03:54 PM
Vent has cleaned up nicely, good work. Keep us updated as the scale damage starts to heal.

05-24-2012, 03:59 PM
Looks good. Some scale damage but that should repair itself with the next few sheds.
I want to see some body photos. Nice dark phase male. He might need to live on the Ranch:D

You might have to arm wrestle Mark for him. When Mark followed me home yesterday, he loved the snake, but was on the fence as to whether he wanted another mouth to feed all winter before he was able to do something with him next spring. He left saying if I didn't hear from him in a couple of days, I could do with him whatever I wanted. His suggestion was to try to convince my wife to keep him until next spring and we could cross the breeding bridge then. :D

05-24-2012, 04:01 PM
That all sounds like a terrible idea. Better to let him live here at the Ranch.:D
Who's this Mark guy you're talking about :D

05-24-2012, 04:07 PM
Actually, I suggested to Mark that maybe I should convince the wife to keep him until next spring... since she's sitting right here, I won't throw Mark under the bus like that. But on the serious side, I'll throw some body shots up of him soon and if I don't hear from Mark in the next day or two, I'd be happy to bring him your way when I come.

05-24-2012, 04:21 PM
Sounds like a good plan.

05-25-2012, 01:21 PM
Steve - Here are a few pics of the big guy. I have more if you'd like to see them but they're all pretty similar so I'm choosing my favorites for now.


05-25-2012, 01:23 PM
He wouldn't cooperate well with the tape measurer but he's somewhere between 21 and 24 inches. Perfect daddy material. Bow chicka bow wow. :p

05-25-2012, 01:26 PM

05-31-2012, 08:13 PM
So this guy is doing great! Tame as a dog as you guys like to say. Had his first scented pinkie tonight, snug as a bug in a rug in his hide and sleeping off a great meal.

05-31-2012, 08:18 PM
Give this a try and see if it helps:

Serpwidgets - Snake Measurer (http://www.serpwidgets.com/main/measure)

05-31-2012, 08:22 PM
Thanks! I'll check this out.

06-19-2012, 07:37 AM
So update. In another thread, Pics I think, I had mentioned that this guy has a lump/bump above the area of where his vent would be underneath. The bump is above. It does not seem to slow him down, moves normal. I have noticed that when I hold him and if you listen carefully you can hear popping noise is the best way I can describe it. Kind of like a clicking as he slithers up and down through my fingers and hands. Any ideas? I have no way of ever knowing what his initial injury was but not sure if the dirty vent and bump and clicking sound are all related or not? Again seems fine, eats well, normal stools. I'm not sure.

Yesterday in the yard my son and I came across two young snakes and seeing as how we are experiencing 100 degree heat indexes the next several days my son talked me into bringing them in and giving them a break from the heat. It didn't take much:rolleyes:. I'll post some pics soon of the one that really has caught my eye do to its coloring. Steve you'll know best I'm thinking with all your radix experience but if I can capture it right in the pics let me know what you think. The snake is not a red phase radix so I don't think I'm seeing that. But the snake has orange scales kind of bleeding through where normally I think it would just be black or green in terms of color phase. You'll see in the pics I hope, and I'll try to get them up soon.

06-19-2012, 07:50 AM
The clicking sound is more then likely the glottis opening and closing.

06-19-2012, 05:48 PM
I'll let the pics speak for themselves but what I thought I was seeing is some orange coloring coming thru in the scales that are usually cream or white in his lower jaw/throat area. Also, in the body shots, you can kind of see where he/she has the orange coming thru. What do you think?


06-19-2012, 05:49 PM
These aren't great shots, he/she is quite the wiggler. Young snake - any thoughts on sex? You can see the orange coloring coming around on his underbelly area too.


06-19-2012, 06:13 PM
these aren't great shots, he/she is quite the wiggler. Young snake - any thoughts on sex? You can see the orange coloring coming around on his underbelly area too.



06-19-2012, 10:23 PM
And a pretty one at that!

06-20-2012, 09:10 AM
Most of my snakes make that clicking noise when I handle them. I think it is just a nervous response to being handled...the glottis opening and closing faster than normal. The time to worry is if you hear a lot of clicking even when the snake is in the enclosure...or you hear wheezing. Cee Cee starts to click loudly inside her enclosure when her respiratory problems are acting up. Then usually...just increasing heat and humidity will calm things down.

Now I really want to see a video of snake courting with some "bow chicka wow wow" porn music in the background! :D