View Full Version : Finally!

05-18-2012, 11:19 AM
Just keeping you guys posted on my eastern garter. Today i made i nice mixture of worms and 2 pinkies. At first he ate a piece of worm, but the second thing he ate was a pinkie! oh and this was his first time eating one! I was very proud. He even ate the second pinkie and the rest of the worms. :D

05-18-2012, 11:29 AM
Good to hear! Thanks for the update!

05-18-2012, 11:45 AM
Good deal.

05-18-2012, 11:53 AM
yea this was his biggest meal, he might be sleeping for a while haha

05-18-2012, 12:53 PM

Invisible Snake
05-18-2012, 01:54 PM
That's good to hear, thanks for the update.

05-18-2012, 02:33 PM
My only problem now is that i cannot think of a name!! its killing me haha

05-18-2012, 02:37 PM
What sort of things do you like? You could name him based on that.

05-18-2012, 03:10 PM
ok so i was thinking about it and i think i got a good name. Its the dragon from The Hobbit. Smaug. I really like the Lord of the rings and this name fits him well, since he is not the friendliest snake. (Im still working on trying to handle him)