View Full Version : animal restrictions - I found it

06-05-2007, 05:08 AM
I found it at last - the animal restriction in the five borroughs of New York that are additional to the State ones
guess what
I'm already a law breaker
the tarantula for one is illegal in NYC
and the hognose may be
I suppose I could argue both of them, because it's not really fair to list either as venomous
I have to say
this is an extensive list and, I should think, rather easily transgressed against by the unwary pet owner
if anyone is interested, go here
New York Animal Care & Control ( AC&C ) - Research Tools - NYC Administration Code (http://nycacc.org/nychealthcode.htm)

06-05-2007, 07:21 AM
don't ask don't tell for pet owners . as long as they are not keeping a pet LION!!!
who will know ..
lol.... bye

06-05-2007, 11:53 AM
Lol, no one will know, no one will care. I bet if you do get caught they'll just ask you to get rid of them without any penalty to you..

06-05-2007, 07:00 PM
I'm not worried about the little animals
they'd have to come in to see them and there's not much likelihood
these days I'm not generally subject to drug busts or illegal weapons searches or anything else that could accidentally uncover the existence of an illegal arachnid

06-05-2007, 07:14 PM
Illegal tarantulas. Lol. People (especially lawmakers) can be really paranoid sometimes but I'll hold my tongue on this one.