View Full Version : Want, want want. I want some garters!

05-13-2012, 09:14 PM
I really have the bug today. If someone shoved the right thing in front of me i'd buy a couple in a heartbeat. I really want some hungry garters (which i'm guessing is EVERY garter) because i just crack up at the videos of them eating.
So tell me...is there such a thing as a not hungry garter? Do some species seem more apt to eat more? I'm thinking wandering garter fills this nicely *lol*

05-13-2012, 10:33 PM
Ummm...I don't know that any species or subspecies of garter snake is known to eat more than others. There are certainly times when garters eat less than normal. Many garters will also go through periods of fasting for various reasons...sometimes for no reason in particular. Gravid garters certainly eat a lot.

05-14-2012, 01:24 AM
There seem to be some species which are more likely to only eat when you aren't watching though. In my experience T. cyrtopsis are the most secretive eaters. Every other species I have will happily tong feed, and at different times I have had very strong feeding responses from radix, marcianus and Cuitzeos.

05-14-2012, 08:05 AM
My Marcianus (albino checkered male) is a voracious eater and will give almost anything a try. My butlers garters are far more entertaining to watch stalking and wrestling worms. (They eat more often also!)
I call them my 'worm dragons' and they are fierçe little fighters where annelids are involved.

05-14-2012, 04:41 PM
I will be having wandering garter babies in a couple months :D