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Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 10:53 AM
My King snake some how got out of her tank Last night. I'm at a lost here! I've tore the whole house apart, and nothing! I'm so worried about her I feel sick... My house has so many spots she could get outside.... What can I used to lure her out of hiding? :(

Invisible Snake
05-13-2012, 11:01 AM
I'm sorry to hear that, unfortunately I don't think there is much you can do, usually when a snake escapes they look for dark warm places. I hope you find her soon.

I also found this link posted by Mark Cope
Lost a snake? Wanna know how to make a trap? - Reptile Forums (http://www.reptileforums.co.uk/forums/snake-care-sheets/73850-lost-snake-wanna-know-how.html)

However I don't know if anyone has successfully used this method.

05-13-2012, 11:06 AM
Sit an listen.

Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 11:14 AM
I kicked out the kittne n dog already so I could listen, also unpluged the noisey fridge. ... I've got some expanding foam... I'm goigng to seal this house up. Carboard taped along doors n vents...

I had an idea to lure her out... It isn't nice.. would involve pissing off my garters enought o make them musk on a paper towel.then make a snake trap..
My Garters would forgive me... I'd spoil them with worms after.... hope not to resoort to that..

05-13-2012, 11:31 AM
Don't seal anything she could be in;)

Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 11:50 AM
I found her!!!!!!!

Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 12:05 PM
*enter Huge... HUGE sigh of relief her*

I had been looking for her since 7:30am tore her cage n everything thing apart! my house looks like a tornado came through here! When I posted this thread is the first time I had sat down n stopped looking. Then just before I found her I unplugged EVERYTHING that hummed/buzzed like my lizard uv light, my microwave, lol (I even took of my comfy pants cuz they made noise!) Then I heard .... something like scales on card board.... Look across the room to an empty box... not there. stop again. look at her tank... Luckily I had put everything back inside.... I see a tail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll post pictures in a min... I have a box in her tank as a hide.. it's one that you get a dome light in... I had looked through n taken out all the substrate from it n everything! ... She had squished herself in the tight side folds of the box!

*shakes finger at snake* Bad girl! gave me a freaking heart attack!!(she is giving me a rather evil look like hahaha happy mothers day mom! Got ya! Shes currently sitting in my sleeve.


05-13-2012, 12:07 PM
Glad she is safe.

05-13-2012, 02:12 PM
So.... she was home and hiding all the time? :)

Hands up everyone that has torn the house apart looking for a snake that was right under their nose all the time.

Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 02:47 PM
So.. this is the hide she hid in to scare the daylights out of me lol

This is the spot she crammed herself into...
*Note; This lid has the metal bars plus metal mesh screen. I didn't think she could get out of that! But then I couldn't find her ... and that 'Flukers' box I opened, looked around every side of it.. tossed it down thinking Damnit she's not there either! lol

When I was holding her after finding her I got the idea she was hungry.. She opened her mouth n slowly went for a finger. lol It was so funny! It was the slowest ever! Lol She din't get me as I moved my finger away. When she didn't latch on to me she just held her mouth open for a second n looked around. lol She is so chilled out.
Here is the sneaky little prankster enjoying two hot pinkies :) Got a video of her eating too... I'll have to make an account on youtube.


Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 02:48 PM
So.... she was home and hiding all the time? :)

Hands up everyone that has torn the house apart looking for a snake that was right under their nose all the time.

*Quietly raises hand n looks away.....*


05-13-2012, 02:48 PM
Glad she is being rewarded.

Light of Dae
05-13-2012, 02:51 PM
Lol yea... rewarding bad behavior eh? Ain't I a great mom lol

05-13-2012, 03:27 PM
Wow, that's a really pretty snake. Glad everything turned out all right.

The same thing almost happened to me but I realized before I could panic. It was a much smaller box so harder to miss:

Sneaky snakes.

05-13-2012, 05:01 PM
Glad you found it! :)

05-13-2012, 07:34 PM
I have that exact same Flukers box. And I will raise my hand to tearing tanks apart and freaking out on several occasions only to find the snake in the enclosure hiding. :D So glad you found her!!

05-13-2012, 08:57 PM
Little Dude did that to me once. I used to have coconut fiber tops to the snake hides, which were essentially upside down flower pots with holes in the side. They looked like little thatch-roof cottages, and since no burninators seemed to attack them, I liked them.

But anyway, Little Dude disappeared from her enclosure one day. I looked everywhere and could not find her. After worrying that she might have escaped somehow, I decided to make one last check: I lifted the coconut fiber top off the flower pot, and Voila! She had climbed through the hole and made herself an attic.

I don't use the coconut fiber anymore. It is too messy, and doesn't stay on anymore, so why bother? The snakes are just as happy without it, and sometimes, Little Dude likes to do the "Up Periscope," where she'll rest her head through the hole in the top of the flower pot.

05-14-2012, 03:48 AM
So.. this is the hide she hid in to scare the daylights out of me lol

This is the spot she crammed herself into...

*Note; This lid has the metal bars plus metal mesh screen. I didn't think she could get out of that! But then I couldn't find her ... and that 'Flukers' box I opened, looked around every side of it.. tossed it down thinking Damnit she's not there either! lol

When I was holding her after finding her I got the idea she was hungry.. She opened her mouth n slowly went for a finger. lol It was so funny! It was the slowest ever! Lol She din't get me as I moved my finger away. When she didn't latch on to me she just held her mouth open for a second n looked around. lol She is so chilled out.
Here is the sneaky little prankster enjoying two hot pinkies :) Got a video of her eating too... I'll have to make an account on youtube.

O wow, she's beautiful!

Good thing you found her, I just tore up the proximus tank yesterday because I couldn't find one. Happens all the time, haha :)

05-14-2012, 10:16 AM
I'm so glad that you found her! It took me a week to find my milksnake. My brothers had snuck in and left the cage door open. Found her in their closet a week later. You've got a beautiful kingsnake by the way!

05-14-2012, 10:30 AM
Glad you found her. Kings seem particularly prone to escapes... I once saw my 6 month old king spend an entire evening wedging herself between the sliding lid and the frame of the tank. I bet if the lid hadn't been latched she would have found a way out.

05-14-2012, 05:02 PM
Glad to hear you found her, once you realize they're gone it's usually too late to start sealing stuff up because as Steve mentioned you don't want to seal them IN somewhere by accident.