View Full Version : Kansas City Reptile Expo

05-06-2012, 12:30 AM
Is anyone else around heading down here for it? There's about four every year around here and it'll be my first time going since I have part of that day off.

Kansas City Reptile Show | Cold Blooded Expos (http://coldbloodedexpos.com/kc-reptile-show/)

05-06-2012, 12:44 AM
Is anyone else around heading down here for it? There's about four every year around here and it'll be my first time going since I have part of that day off.

Kansas City Reptile Show | Cold Blooded Expos (http://coldbloodedexpos.com/kc-reptile-show/)

Where are you heading down from? I live in Des Moines, so KC not far away. Sadly, I have to work, so no expo for me. Des Moines just had one in April that I missed (didn't know about it), and the next one won't be until fall......:(

05-06-2012, 01:00 AM
I actually live in KS and this is about half an hour away or so so its not that far for me.