View Full Version : My little garter is afaird of anything that moves! how to tame him?
04-26-2012, 02:06 PM
Hey everyone, I got my little guy probably around 4 months ago, and ever since I've had him he has always been a "scaredy cat". If he is out in his cage and not hiding somewhere and you walk by he will run far away, even worse when I try to scoop him out for feedings, sometimes he will run the length of the cage 5 times before I can grab him. Yesterday I was walking a pond and found a little garter about the same age as mine (Id say around 10 months to a year) and he was docile as can be and let me handle him and everything, I wish my little guy was like that.
Does anyone have any tips to tame my snake and make him less afarid of everything, i hate to say that it is really not enjoyable having him when he is afaird of everything and runs from anyone and wont let you even pick him up.
04-26-2012, 02:27 PM
Once in a great while you'll get a snake that doesn't settle down(something to keep in mind)
Is this the albino checkered you got a few months back?
04-26-2012, 02:54 PM
Sounds like one of our Blacknecks, he's a coward and isn't getting much better. I think he's going to be a watching snake. Current plan is to move him into a tall viv on his own (he's a climber and likes hiding in the plants).
Some snakes just aren't comfortable with people.
04-26-2012, 06:14 PM
I always tell people that sometimes with very skiddish snakes you have to take it very,very slowly with them. If you are reaching in to grab him for feedings..and you are coming at him from above, quickly...this is going to scare him more if he is a skiddish snake to begin with. I have two wild caught easterns and I have to be very careful about how I approach them. I always put my hand into their enclosure very slowly, never making any quick movements...always letting them see where my hand is. Try putting your hand in the tank very slowly and just sit it in not move this several times...let the snake come to you and investigate. Then, once he will let you do that, you can move on to trying to pet him...try to stroke his back but stay away from his face and head. You may have to just work up to handling him in steps...and go very slowly and gently. This is exactly what I had to do with my easterns, who are still skiddish after a year, but do trust me now and do let me handle them. I wish you easterns are definitely not cuddly snakes...but I love them so much!
04-26-2012, 06:19 PM
You could try just putting your hand in the enclosure and letting him come to investigate you. You can try doing this before feeding time too. That way he will associate your presence with food, and hopefully be less jumpy over time. Sometimes it's a long process. Keep in mind that if you are tense or jumpy yourself they will sense that and be jumpy too.
04-27-2012, 04:26 AM
Several of my snakes are skittish. Some I believe will outgrow it, some I believe it isjust a firmly hardwired instinctive response. (Micro a cb Butlers tartageer shows few signs of calming down @ 9 months.)
Āll my cages are top entry, and I think that works against me, but I have had good luck w most by associating handling andcage cleaning with food. Its a simple positive association that most snakes respond to eventually.
Be as calm and gentle in handling as you can manage, and reward each disturbance or handling with a feeding or at least a tiny bit of a favorite snack.
always leave it in the same spot, on a familiar dish, not too far from their favorite hide.
Its basic psych 101/skinner box teaching, and most animals soon learn that disturbance and handling are soon followed by a reward. Eventually brighter ones start to associate you with good things, and may come out to beg for food &attention.
This is when you can start to hand feed, if you wish.
On another track- have you considered a companion for your snake? Some tatters are calmerwith a companion to watch their back. Calm garters can sooth a nervous companion with their presence.
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