View Full Version : My radix is losing her vibrant color

04-18-2012, 05:06 PM
Since I've had my radix her color has started to dull a little. I'm feeding her mostly mice alternating with safe fish and worms. She eats it all with gusto, and still seems energetic. Is this related to aging at all? Should I take her to the salon for a touch-up? She's large (40" maybe) and at least 10 years old according to her last owner.

Possibly unrelated: to my knowledge she's never been medicated against parasites and she's wild-caught. Should I do this, and if so, how?

04-18-2012, 06:13 PM
Dulling colors sounds like the on-set of a shed.
Wild caught, you should at least get a fecal float done to see if she needs treated.

04-18-2012, 06:55 PM
sounds like she's getting ready to shed...like Steve said

04-18-2012, 08:59 PM
I've had her for a while now and she's gone through many sheds. Even right after a shed she's not quite as bright as she used to be. I know she's not retaining either because her sheds are complete. The fecal float sounds like a good idea, I'll look into it.

04-20-2012, 08:54 PM
I've had radixes darken up and get duller over time. Does she get any ultraviolet exposure, artificial or otherwise? I ask because natural sunlight or UV emitting bulbs tends to darken some snakes. But then, some just do that anyway.

04-20-2012, 10:32 PM
Hmmm...Richard...this is interesting. I have noticed my male eastern looking darker to me and he has been in with my female and I have a UV strip lamp over the enclosure. I wonder if that is what is causing the color change with him. I haven't noticed it with my female.

04-20-2012, 10:38 PM
I haven't noticed a big color change with my old one. I have noticed that he's not as quick to shed after he gets dull as he used to be... Like, he used to go pale for a day or two, and within a few days of his eyes going clear again he would shed. Now it seems like it's up to two weeks before that happens. idk if that's just him or if a lot of snakes do that.

04-20-2012, 10:42 PM
If you're talking about a reptisun 2.0 bulb, the UV output is very minimal and only extends a few inches below the bulb, and that UV output declines rapidly after 6 mos of use. Not likely to "tan" your garter. However if your snake basks under one of those powerful incandescent UV bulbs a lot...

Your case, and this one, is probably just one of those things. Not all that unusual for garters to change colors as they grow up to adulthood, or even dull with old age. I had a beautiful gold and green radix once. By the time she reached 2 years old she had turned very dark gray with a pale yellow stripe. They can color down as well as color up.

04-21-2012, 09:47 AM
Well it's a reptisun 5.0, but I get what you're saying. Like I said, my female's color hasn't changed...well, if anything, I think her coloring and pattern has gotten more brilliant. But my male looks darker. He will look a bit lighter and his pattern clearer after he sheds, but then he will get darker again.

04-21-2012, 09:25 PM
You don't really need to buy those expensive bulbs Marnie. Garters will be perfectly happy with white or "daylight" bulb. But considering how much time garters spend in the sun, it's not going to hurt anything either. It's just that UV exposure might stimulate the production of melanin like it does when you tan, and in theory, darken your snake over time to some degree. Like I said, some darken anyway, and not all snakes darken with UV exposure.

04-23-2012, 12:00 AM
Does she get any ultraviolet exposure, artificial or otherwise? I ask because natural sunlight or UV emitting bulbs tends to darken some snakes. But then, some just do that anyway.

She was under a full-spectrum bulb for a while (unsure of UV levels) but lately she's only been getting indirect natural light. The UV idea makes a lot of sense. Even the plankton I study will color up for protection when UV exposure increases.

04-23-2012, 09:04 PM
Do we not tan when we spend time in the sun? Yeah... 'nuff said.

Well, actually not enough said. These salamander or newt larvae I'm keeping.. they lighten up indoors. They get plenty of natural ambient daylight, but no direct sunlight. Well, the ones outside are very dark colored. The ones inside are very pale. Hmm....

04-24-2012, 07:23 PM
Yeah, my garter gets plenty of indirect daylight too. I know there are some other factors affecting color like diet, age and disease, so I wonder if I'm missing something.

I came across an interesting thread about sudden color fade in Brazilians.
Sudden Color Fade - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/epicrates/87158-sudden-color-fade.html)