View Full Version : Conversion of a boa lover...

04-12-2012, 10:25 AM
I meant to get this on here weeks ago but as you know my mind has been else where. When visiting the vet the other day with our big, beautiful radix girl Adora belle, I think I may have converted a boa fan to the ways of thamnophis. Our surgery encourages handling rather than just leaving your snake in a box as it makes for a calmer happy little squiggler. I got Adora out and this guy said "Thats not a corn, it's a good looking little snake. What is that?" I told him. He confessed knowing nothing about garters other than being led to believe they are beginners snakes and not really for the serious hobbist. I asked him what his boas did all day. He told me they did very little. They eat once a week then pretty much sit there. I told him about the constant activity we all see in our vivs, how every snake has a personality and how even a big meal can't slow them down. He was genuinely interested,got some paper and a pen and took down some info including basic viv set up and said it would make a nice change to have an interesting animal! God I'm good!!

My mission is to spread the love of our little friends all over the UK one unsuspecting indivdual at a time!!

04-12-2012, 10:36 AM
Next thing you know, you'll be standing on the street corner asking people, "Have you given your heart to Garter Snakes yet?" and handing out garter tracts and the like.

04-12-2012, 10:48 AM
Now thats an idea!

04-12-2012, 11:09 AM
Nice work Char.

04-12-2012, 01:51 PM
Nicely done! Did you point him to our lovely site?

04-12-2012, 01:54 PM
It's surprising how unaware people are of how active garters are. They also don't seem to realize that they have many morphs either.

Yeah, we all like to PRETEND that we aren't one step away from street-promotion of garter snakes :p

04-12-2012, 02:05 PM
Too bad "the bible" isn't more readily available and a bit cheaper. I could stand around on the main street of my town asking people if they have been saved and handing out copies. :D

Good work, Char...we have one more convert...mwuhahaha! Maybe we could get Steve to make some subliminal garter message tapes and we could hand those out..."You worship the radix...the radix is the only way...come into the light...".

04-12-2012, 03:49 PM
That is awesome!! Will be seeing a new member on the forum soon?

04-12-2012, 03:56 PM
I had a boa for a while. He was pretty active compared to the norm, great little guy. I'm not a fan of boids in general though. They do very little compared to some species. All I've done is watch my little garter since I got him. Much more entertaining :)

Light of Dae
04-12-2012, 04:12 PM
I considered getting a fine looking Boa that was at the store I get my pinkies at, as ever time I was there he was crusing the front of his tank. But I wouldn't want him... think of how much Garter snake space he would take up! I mean whenever he reached 7ft that would be alot of garter snake space taken up! I'll stick with my perfect, active, interactive and personality filled Garters.

04-12-2012, 05:53 PM
Well done!
Yeah, as pretty as the larger snakes are, they can't. Compare to the power per pound you get with garters. Lots of color, sociable active personalities, and as much attitude and ferocity toward their prey as any carnivore.
I love my little 'worm dragons '.

04-12-2012, 06:10 PM
I was going to get myself a bigger snake, like a ball python or something in a morph that I liked just to have a nice "looker" sort of snake. One that doesn't need a whole lot of attention given, but is nice to look at.

04-12-2012, 08:21 PM
I almost bought a corn snake last year. My plan was to have more than one species so that if I ever got asked to do a presentation or something, I wouldn't just have garters. But I was too lazy to build the separate enclosure, and too cheap to pay the $40 for it. It was a cool looking snake, though.

04-13-2012, 02:14 PM
There always seem to be corn snakes and boas looking for new homes on craigslist. If I just *had* to get one (and had space for a larger snake, as if...) I'd look there or with my local reptile rescue league. Way too many unwanted corns and constrictors.