View Full Version : It's finally over ...

06-02-2007, 07:05 PM
... or has it just begun. After a week I've finally gotten everything moved out of my old store. the landlord was fine until the last week then he got all weird on me. He was obsessing over whether or not I would be out by the 1st which didn't really seem like that big of a deal since he isn't doing anything in the space until Monday anyway. He came in at about 5:00 pm on Thursday and looked very upset that I wouldn't be out by the end of the day. I told him I would need an extra day and he said, about 5 times in 30 minutes "but you will be out by tomorrow night right?" I got the last stuff loaded on the truck at 1:00 am in a downpour last night. The only thing that gives me a little solace is the fact that it will cost him thousands to renovate the space. Moldy insulation in the walls and ceiling and the next prospective tenent knows all about it so he won't be able to cut corners.

Anyway, so the storage unit is packed and unfortunately so is the new place. I can't find anything. I can barely get the critters fed. No big sink so I am dealing with a tiny bathroom one for now. This is the first time I've been on line in over a week. Today, I went to a show to buy crickets, it seems the fed ex guy saw the big "we're moving sign" but he failed to see the even bigger "please leave all deliveries at the hardware store sign" Got back from the show, went over to where I had dumped all my old combustible materials, started a huge bonfire, sat back, had a few beers and relaxed.

Tomorrow I get to start trying to sort everything out and clean some cages. Then I've got two days to get a little work done, I'm going to the Brewers/Cubs game on Wednesday then I take a weeks vacation. After that the work starts big time. There's probably a little more that needs to be done here than I thought so it might take a couple of months to reopen but my current landlord says several people in town are already waiting for me to open so that bodes well.

For now, I'm off to bed and I hope I can sleep in tomorrow.

It's good to be back though.

Later all

06-02-2007, 07:48 PM
Welcome back!

06-02-2007, 09:08 PM
Hey welcome back...good to hear that things seem to be moving in a positive direction.

06-03-2007, 03:52 AM
moving has that aspect of a nightmarish kind of marathon
when you're out of the place you're leaving, there's that sense of relief, but it only lasts until you look at the mess in the new place
well not quite
moving in may be work too, but there's also some creative fun at times
congrats on getting the worst part over with
enjoy your vacation

06-03-2007, 12:37 PM
Sounds like you have some work ahead of you, but it will be worth it in the long run. Good luck.

06-03-2007, 01:21 PM
Welcome back! Hate to admit it, but it took a moment before I remembered the whole story. :)

Guess who's moving on Friday. ;)
Fortunately, I'll only be moving home for the summer and I only have one snake with me and enough stuff to fill my Honda. In late August I'll be moving back again. Hardly seems worth the trouble.

06-03-2007, 09:41 PM
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Yes it is a daunting task ahead but coming this close to having to get a real job was an eye opener for me. I think I can safely say that I will be determined to put forth a more honest effort this time around. It all seemed too easy last time and maybe that contributed to the failure. That and a very high rent payment. Hopefully, with expenses being about half what they were maybe a little extra money will help. The worst part is my reptile section will be about 1/3 the size that it was. It will be more in line with its revenue generating capacity in my area but I won't be able to keep as many animals that I like. Then again, that was part of the problem last time as well. Too many animals that I liked but no one else did. Well, everyone liked them but no one bought them.

I also just found out yesterday that I can get the apartment I was looking at (I can see the back door to my shop from my living room window) so I am not through moving yet. I'll have a little more time and a lot less stuff this time around though so it shouldn't be as hectic. I've got a grocery store across the street so unless I get real bored I won't have to start my truck except once a week to go get fish and supplies.

06-04-2007, 08:03 AM
Ha! Tell that grocery store to carry trout and save even more gasoline...:rolleyes:

Glad things are working out, though. I would have hated to hear you were punching a time clock for someone else!