View Full Version : Periods of activity

06-02-2007, 03:54 PM
Hi Guys,

Has anyone noticed that different species of Garter seem to be active at different times of the day? I don't mean during the breeding season or at feeding time, just normal day to day activity.

For example, my new T. radix are active from pretty much first thing in the morning until early afternoon, whether they're hungry or just been fed, makes no difference. That just seems to be their active time. Whereas my T. marcianus seem to be rather crepuscular, and are pretty quiet all day until about 9 or 10pm when they all go cruising their viv for an hour or so. Again, whether they're hungry or not.

Anybody else seen these differences in periods of activity?

06-02-2007, 03:58 PM
Hi Guys,

Has anyone noticed that different species of Garter seem to be active at different times of the day? I don't mean during the breeding season or at feeding time, just normal day to day activity.

For example, my new T. radix are active from pretty much first thing in the morning until early afternoon, whether they're hungry or just been fed, makes no difference. That just seems to be their active time. Whereas my T. marcianus seem to be rather crepuscular, and are pretty quiet all day until about 9 or 10pm when they all go cruising their viv for an hour or so. Again, whether they're hungry or not.

Anybody else seen these differences in periods of activity?
My T. vagans is active at such random times, when its dark, when its light, at night in the day who knows. Gonna put in a heat lamp for a few hours a day see if that changes the activity! (Although always active when food is around)

06-02-2007, 04:25 PM
Do you have species other than T. e. vagrans to compare with?

06-02-2007, 04:46 PM
Not as of now I do not, although I'm looking for another species of garter that I will keep in the same enclosure soon. Will be interesting to see if they both are active at the same time or not.

06-02-2007, 04:49 PM
I may well be wrong, There is occasional activity from any snake at any time, but it seems to me that there is more intense activity as stated above. It's something I will continue to watch.

06-02-2007, 04:58 PM
My T. Cyrtopsis are active during mornings, then quiet through the afternoons until evening when they both like to climb around on the artificial plants in the vivs. My Marcianus are generally more active in the evenings with occassional activity during the day. The parietalis and oregon red spotted are active at any time. dont really know about my tetrataenia as they are small babies and so its harder to see when they are active, though the one that is 18 months old is active during the afternoons.

06-02-2007, 05:03 PM
Thanks Claire, as more people comment on this thread we may see a pattern emerging. Already we agree on the T. marcianus.

06-02-2007, 05:07 PM
Its certainly an interesting topic. Wonder if theres any correlation between activity and geographical location, eg species in the wild in more arid regions being active during the evenings when its cooler.

06-02-2007, 05:08 PM
Claire, you read my mind. That's exactly where I was going with this!!!!

06-02-2007, 05:17 PM
Of course my T. radix are (possibly) Canadian, whereas my T. marcianus are from Texas. I'm going to buy some T. s. parietalis just to compare acvtivity patterns.

06-03-2007, 10:03 AM
rico does that from time to time, at about 5pm-9pm he gets crazy and just cruises around but for the most of the day he just kinda chills out, but feeding him doesn't matter, he just gets really active at that time, then he goes and chills out again.

06-03-2007, 03:25 PM
Here Concinnus is pretty much active during the whole day. Marcianus is indeed more active starting at the evening. And I can't put my fingers on the Cyrtopsis, but they are indeed not that active during the warmest periods of the day.

When given the opportunity, all the garters climb. But marcianus and cyrtopsis seem to use the branches as hiding plases. Concinnus does not.

06-03-2007, 03:36 PM
Parietalis (nothing to compare to) here: basking in the open or on branches during the day, becomes active just before it gets dark and stays active until just after the lights turn on. Sometimes, but not regularly, active during the day.

06-03-2007, 07:23 PM
My Sirtalis sirtalis is active from about 5 to 8 PM, or more specifically out of hiding and basking, never just mindlessly cruising around.
This thread will also help me when I'm looking for snakes so thanks to James for starting this.