View Full Version : Temperamental Snake

03-24-2012, 10:58 PM
I just got back from vacation and my snake has changed. My friend was watching him for a month while I was gone and now he always tries to bite me and escape from his cage in a violent manner. I have a few theories as to why this happened, but some of you probably know much better than me. Please advise.

1. He had a stressful time being away from home and is angry. He wasn't out of his cage for a whole month, while when he's with me he usually gets out of the cage to move around at least a few times a week. Also there was an event while my friend was taking care of him where his thermometer fell off the cage and the adhesive was stuck to his body one morning. It came off pretty quick, but my friend said he wasn't happy about it (of course) and was snapping at him since the event.

2. He wants to be free? I don't want to let him go, and would be afraid of him dying in the wilderness, but it has crossed my mind that perhaps it's what he wants. Maybe he wants a snake girlfriend? Is sick of captivity?

3. I used a different substrate so it would be easier for my friend to clean the poop out. It's ReptiBark, while he is usually used to a soft ground he can dig holes in. I cleaned the cage as soon as I got home, but put fresh ReptiBark in. Could changing the substrate change his attitude?

Let me know what you guys think, I want my old, peaceful snake back.

03-25-2012, 07:01 AM
Give him some time to get back into a routine with you again before you make any decisions.

03-25-2012, 07:31 AM
A month is a very very long time to tiny snakey brains. Give him time to become accustomed to you again.

03-25-2012, 08:23 AM
Yes, I'm thinking that he just needs time to get used to you again. He was wild caught yes? Matt is his name? Was he like this at all in the beginning, when you first got him? I think that he was used to being handled and getting attention from you which got him used to you and used to being handled. Also...you are at ease around snakes and snakes can sense a person who is at ease around them and it calms them, they react to that and are at ease themselves. If your friend was not used to being around snakes and was not at ease around him, your snake sensed that and became tense and defensive around him...learning this defensive behavior...now he has to unlearn it, so to speak. If you are now reacting to him being aggressive and biting at you by tensing up...it is reinforcing his behavior. You have to try to remain calm and trusting even though he is acting like that. You need to do everything you can to go back to acting the way you were before with him. Treat him as you would a new snake. Take small steps with him...put your hand into the enclosure and let him come to you, smell you, get used to you..before you try to pick him up. Be patient, as hard as it is. Be very calm and let him get used to you slowly and he will calm down. I really think this is what is going on and that he will get used to you again...like Steve said, don't make any decisions now. Work with him calmly and give him time...he will get used to you again. Keep us posted please.

03-25-2012, 12:54 PM
How long have you been back? He's going to need a bit of time.

I've been working a lot recently, and although a lot of it has been from home (with our Cuitzeos in my office to distract me) I've not been handling as much as usual over the last couple of weeks and Char hasn't been able to hold them as much either. I'm sure that a couple of our girls are more jumpy when I do poke about their vivs now.
I don't think it takes long for them to forget that you're the good guy and a safe pair of hands. I'm going to have to spend more time with some of them once I've got this project out of the way... roll on the end of the month so I can get this project off my back and start spending more time with my snakes (oh, and more time with the wife as well ;) ).

Treat him like a new snake for a while and I'm sure he'll be back to his old self soon.

03-29-2012, 11:01 PM
Thanks guys. Seems he has calmed down a bit, though he still bites me sometimes. Much better than he was when he first came back though, I've been back less than two weeks. We're getting used to each other again.

03-29-2012, 11:49 PM
Glad to hear this...I'm sure he will continue to get better and better. He will remember your smell and get more and more used to you again. You may have smelled a little different when you first got back too since you had been away for a while. :)