View Full Version : Have gotten out of the Thamnophis for the time being

03-20-2012, 04:55 PM
I have regret to say that I have sold my 2.2 Checkered Garters and now do not have any garter's anymore. I do plan in the future to start back up again with the garters, but for the time being I've left the Thamnophis scene.
I will still look through and post through the forum every now and then
I thank everyone who helped me out with every problem and question i had, I specially thank Steve for all his friendlyness and answers.

Cheers all.

I'll be back!

03-20-2012, 05:02 PM
You can stay! You don't have to have garters to participate here. :)

03-20-2012, 05:05 PM
Hang around, live the addiction vicariously through others. :)
Sad that you are Thamnophislesss at the moment, but you know where to find answers to all your garter questions.

03-20-2012, 05:11 PM
Yup! I still have snakes, I have 5 Corn Snakes right now. Hoping that maybe next year i may aquire a Suri Boa.
But at the moment I'm just wanting to concentrate on my corns and this'll also make my move from an appartment to a townhouse in a couple months easier. It will also bring down my feeding cost which is more the bigger issue, for the time being.

03-20-2012, 07:06 PM
Yes...you absolutely do not have to have garters to be on the forum...just an interest in them and an affinity for chatting with us! :). Stick around...