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View Full Version : What should I feed her and shedding Questions- Please Help!

Sarah E
03-20-2012, 10:52 AM

Lucky, my female Eastern Garter snake is AMAZING! She's grown so much since I caught her back in October! When I caught her she was 4" long, now she's a foot and a half long, and about a half inch wide.

She has shed her skin 3 times, and she's seeming to have trouble with the last one... she's had the tail half of her old skin still on her tail for around a week and a half. Is this a problem for her? Is there any way I can help her along?

Also, when we caught her, she would only eat earth worms, now I've got her on live fish ((I can't get her to catch her own fish... she's quite skitish and nervous around me and people, so I hold her, and she opens her mouth for me to put the fish in... only problem is, now and then when I"m just holding her she will nip me now... is there any way I can fix/change this?)) Feeder Guppy diet, which I breed myself. I'm hoping to advance from feeding fish, but I'm worried about feeding her food that is to big for her, that she might choke on...

Would Pinkies be to large to feed her? ((I will not cut the pinkies up, which is why I have held off, I only want to feed them to her when she can swallow them whole)) Are frozen, then thawed pinkies alright to feed her?

Thank you in advance for the help!


03-20-2012, 11:02 AM
Its cool that she likes to eat from your hand, but yeah, nipping is a bit out of line.
Handle fish with hemostats or tweezers so your hands don't smell like food.
Guppies are good, but you may want to mix it up with earth worms and perhaps pinky mice or rats. (Look for feeders about as big around as the largest part of her body.)
You may need to scent them by placing them in a small bowl with guppies or worms to slime them well so they smell familiar, until she realizes how good they are. )My snakes go nuts for rodents.

You should help her get that retained shed off her tail. Let her sit in a box with a warm, damp towel for a few minutes, to soften up the skin, then gently rub from where the retained shed starts toward her tail with a damp washcloth or towel. (Running water may help too.)

03-20-2012, 12:05 PM
You can buy extra small pinkies which should be safe.
I will give my snakes food item that are a little wider then their head width but no bigger.

03-20-2012, 12:36 PM
Easterns are wonderful garters! I have two and I love them more than anything. The nipping probably has to do with her associating your fingers with food. My female also nips at my fingers since I started feeding her by hand. Make sure your hands are clean and do not smell like food and like Selkielass said, you should probably start using tongs or hemostats to feed her so that she doesn't associate your fingers with the food so much. Frozen/thawed pinkies are exactly what you want to feed her...garters do not eat live rodents. Like Steve said, you can get extra small pinkies that she should be able to swallow whole with no problem. Garters can actually swallow pretty large food pieces.

Sarah E
03-21-2012, 08:07 AM
Okay, thank you! I'll be running out, most likely today and buying some Pinkies to feed her. I'm looking into other bedding material for her, because the echo carpet I use, she goes under and I NEVER see her! I think if I had a type of bedding, she wouldn't at least be able to hide under the carpet.... any suggestions on what to use?

I used to use that coconut fiber, but she kept getting it caught up in her mouth, so I don't want to use that.

03-21-2012, 10:09 AM
Aspen isn't a bad choice of bedding. There was a thread fairly recently discussing substrates to use, there's a couple at least in the "Enclosures" section.

03-21-2012, 11:03 AM
Aspen is good and carefresh is good. Another thing to consider is that if she has plenty of hides in her enclosure, she won't burrow as much. You don't want to take away her ability to burrow though...I know it's frustrating when they hide all the time, but that is a natural instinct with garters...it makes them feel safe. I have noticed though, and have heard other members say this as well, that once I put lots of hides in my enclosures, my snakes stopped burrowing so much...they do still hide though...it's just something they do...but she will do it less as she gets used to you.

Sarah E
03-21-2012, 12:01 PM
Alright. Is there anything I should do to help her get used to me?

Sarah E
03-21-2012, 12:04 PM
Also, I like the look of the Repti Bark. Would that be acceptable?

03-21-2012, 02:54 PM
i don't like it because it can stick to their food and be swallowed.

03-21-2012, 02:59 PM
Reptibark works too. Try putting your hand in her enclosure and letting her come over to your hand...hold it still and let her approach you, checking you out...smelling you, and getting used to you. Do that a little bit each day...work in steps...see if she will crawl over your hand..and when she will let you, try to pet her some. After she lets you do that...try to scoop her up from underneath and hold her gently in her enclosure. Then, when she is comfortable with that...you can take her out. You may have to do each step many times until she is comfortable. This has worked well with my very skiddish and often nippy eastern wild caught female.

Sarah E
03-22-2012, 07:26 PM
I used Aspen bedding, and fed her, her first Pinkie tonight! I'm so proud of her. :D

03-22-2012, 07:30 PM
Good job! Make sure not to feed her on the aspen though. If she gets any in her mouth and ingests it, it could cause a blockage.

Sarah E
03-22-2012, 08:04 PM
I pick her up and hold her while she swallows her food. :)

03-22-2012, 09:20 PM
I pick her up and hold her while she swallows her food. :)

Nice going snake mom. :D

Sarah E
03-22-2012, 10:08 PM

How often should I feed her pinkies?

03-23-2012, 06:49 AM
If she is 8 inches long, she is pretty young. I would feed her a half a pinky every two days or a whole pinky every 4 days. I'd say feed her more often and less, it's better for digestion. Give her a half a pinky every 3-4 days...that should be good. I fed my Hermes half a pinky every 3 days until he was a little over a foot long...then I increased it to a whole pinky every 5 days. He doesn't usually eat all of it...sometimes he does, but sometimes he leaves a couple of bites. How big are the pinkies?

Light of Dae
03-23-2012, 07:25 AM
reptile bark is good if it's the big chunks, it will not stick to food n or will be too big for her to eat it.

You really need to get the skin off her tail or else she will loose the tip of her tail. make a shed box, it doesn't need air holes, just a warm wet towel n her. leave her in there for 15mins or more then take her out n hold her with warm running water n try to get that shed off. rubbing it with a warm wet face cloth works well, if you got finger nails try picking it or use tweezers. something.

Sarah E
03-23-2012, 08:22 AM
She is actually about a foot and a half now, I haven't updated my list yet. I'll feed her a pinkie every 5 days.

Thank you for help on the shedding questions! I managed to get it all off, and she's happy as can be now. :) Thanks again!

03-23-2012, 11:09 AM
FYI...since we determined your snake was an eastern...didn't we? If you want to, on your signature, you can list her as T.s.sirtalis. To understand the way we list our snakes, you would write 0.1 T.s.sirtalis, that means that you have one female eastern garter snake. You can add her name and whatever other info you want after that. :)

Sarah E
03-23-2012, 12:06 PM
Thank you! I'll go do that right now!

03-23-2012, 01:07 PM
Looks good! You can add her name too if you like. You can put whatever you like. Take a look at some of the other members signatures and play around a bit! It looks good as it is though! :)