View Full Version : The joy of Radix

03-18-2012, 02:12 PM
We have aquired Pinjohn's Radix pair. Up til now I've been all about the checkereds... Not anymore. I have fallen in love with the female. Amazingly sweet natured! It's like she's always lived here. I am now a radixette.

03-18-2012, 02:15 PM
You have been assimilated :D

Welcome to the collective.;)

You realize we want photos. Now:D

03-18-2012, 06:16 PM

That's the lady Char was referring to. She's a hefty girl, I'll weigh and get some proper camera pics over the next few days. She's also got what looks like a bit of swelling immediately after her vent, she almost looks male... Hope she's not got an infection since John's been ill. Considering John had seen the pair locked either she's female or smells like a girl.

03-18-2012, 06:34 PM
Too big to be a male.

Beautiful big radix.

03-18-2012, 06:45 PM
Thanks Steve. Couple more pics to come your way when I get a chance. Also need to pop up pics of the male - he's got lovely pattern and a bright yellow stripe. Good that they both ate as well after such a disturbing day.

03-18-2012, 07:40 PM
I knew as soon as I read what Char wrote that Steve would just love it! I can't wait to have a radix! So glad that John's snakes are in loving hands.

03-18-2012, 10:10 PM
Welcome to club Radix....

Happy to see John's snakes in such nice capable hands.

03-19-2012, 11:18 AM
Char has named her Adorabel (character in Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal"), she's a big girl, when I spoke to Steve earlier I hadn't weighed her and he guessed at 205g based on the photo. I've weighed her now and she's 260g. So not up there in The Enforcer's league, but a good healthy weight.

From some other photos I sent to Steve he agrees that she looks like she has an infection below her vent, so trip to the vet tomorrow. :(

03-19-2012, 12:19 PM
Glad to see you are taking her to the vet to get that checked on. Good grief! I thought Cee Cee was a big girl at 170g! She's got nothin' on these radixes...I like me some big solid snakes! :D

03-19-2012, 05:34 PM
This is the male... Char has named him after Adorabel's love interest in Going Postal, so he's Moist Von Lipwig. We're going to call him Lipwig. He's a friendly, curious little guy, he's been out and about exploring his new home.

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/IMAG0249-Lipwig.jpg (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10495&title=tradixmoist-von-lipwig&cat=734)

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/IMAG0243-Lipwig.jpg (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10494&title=tradixmoist-von-lipwig&cat=734)

03-19-2012, 06:30 PM
He looks like satan snake in that pic with the red eyes! Hope we don't discover in the next shed that there are some 6's hidding out under those scales! Lol!

03-19-2012, 07:15 PM
He's a cutie! Satan spawn eyes and all...:D.

03-20-2012, 03:43 PM
nice looking radix, I've not got any yet but I have a feeling I will have to add some to the family soon :)

03-20-2012, 04:04 PM
Adora Belle (Char told me off for spelling her name wrong earlier in the thread) had a quick trip to a vet today. We thought she had an infection below her vent, but the vet thinks it's not something that needs antibiotics at the moment. I'll be keeping a close eye on her and she will be back to a vet again if it looks like it's changing. The vet we saw treats reptiles, but not overly experienced with snakes, particularly garters. There's not many vets that have seen
a lot of garters around here...
She didn't want salmon this evening, but Lipwig ate like a pig.

03-21-2012, 03:35 PM
Twice today I have opened Lipwig's viv, put my hand on the non-viv side of the door, and he has slid out of his own accord straight on to my hand, coiled himself round my fingers and sat there. When it comes to going back in he just won't get off my hand. Once you pry him off he turns right around and tries to get back on. We have 3 male snakes now and had become resigned to the fact that it is only our 5 girls that are at all interested in us. He is even more attentive than them! Radix are awsome. I've been spoiled for any other snake by garter as a whole, but radix my have spoiled me for other garters.

03-21-2012, 03:37 PM
Twice today I have opened Lipwig's viv, put my hand on the non-viv side of the door, and he has slid out of his own accord straight on to my hand, coiled himself round my fingers and sat there. When it comes to going back in he just won't get off my hand. Once you pry him off he turns right around and tries to get back on. We have 3 male snakes now and had become resigned to the fact that it is only our 5 girls that are at all interested in us. He is even more attentive than them! Radix are awsome. I've been spoiled for any other snake by garter as a whole, but radix my have spoiled me for other garters.

They can do that. It's just one of their powers.:D

03-21-2012, 06:18 PM
They can do that. It's just one of their powers.:D

Pure, unadulterated bias. :rolleyes:

03-21-2012, 06:50 PM
Looks like a couple more months and I will be getting one or two from Steve...I can't wait...I have heard such wonderful things about radixes.

03-21-2012, 06:53 PM
They can do that. It's just one of their powers.:D

Pure, unadulterated bias. :rolleyes:

Guilty as charged and sentenced to life surrounded by T.radix :D

03-21-2012, 07:02 PM
Sounds like a good life sentence to me. :)

03-22-2012, 02:13 AM
Looks like a couple more months and I will be getting one or two from Steve...I can't wait...I have heard such wonderful things about radixes.
After less than a week with John's radix pair I can safely say that, despite the extreme bias, Steve isn't bigging up radix any more than they deserve. You will love them Marnie, but they could never replace your Easterns as number 1. Or, could they?
Some say they emit a powerful pheromone that causes any human to love and feed them, others say that they speak to us at infrasound frequencies. But all we know is that we call them "T. radix"...

03-22-2012, 03:37 AM
Lipwig was up bright and early this morning to say hello and was eager to come out for a cuddle. He has passed Nobby in the most active snake stakes.

03-22-2012, 06:30 AM
Lipwig was up bright and early this morning to say hello...........

How do you know? You were still asleep.

03-22-2012, 06:58 AM
I will always be EasternGirl...otherwise, I would seriously have to consider moving to the T. Radix Ranch! :D

03-22-2012, 07:02 AM
I will always be EasternGirl...otherwise, I would seriously have to consider moving to the T. Radix Ranch! :D

You'll have a couple ranch radixes before you know it. No need to move. :D

03-22-2012, 07:09 AM
Lipwig was up bright and early this morning to say hello and was eager to come out for a cuddle. He has passed Nobby in the most active snake stakes.

How do you know? You were still asleep.

Sounds like there was a radix in your bed Chris. :D May still be one there.;)

03-22-2012, 07:24 AM
Sounds like there was a radix in your bed Chris. :D May still be one there.;)

He was definitely still in his viv when I got up an hour before the wife.

03-22-2012, 11:35 AM
You guys are getting me all excited...I still have to wait a couple of months for my radixes....stop it! How long does it take to drive to Iowa from here? :D

03-22-2012, 02:25 PM
I got up at 8.50am, Chris. Don't be mean. I was merely pointing out that he was around to wish me a good morning.

03-22-2012, 04:35 PM
I just spent half an hour with a radix up my jumper, head sticking out of the neck. She likes to be on the move, but settled for a bit. She's not eaten since the pinky on Sunday evening.
Lipwig on the other hand is eating very well, he's had some more trout this evening. He's a good lad.

04-03-2012, 05:00 PM
The radix are coming on well. Particularly Lipwig.

Lipwig seems to have settled, comes out to see us when we are in the room, and eats very well. In fact, Lipwig is probably the most aggressive eater we currently have, he happily comes to the viv door to eat and actively looks for more. His feeding frenzy means that I have him marked down as being the deliverer of the next bite - he doesn't really look before going for it. On the other hand I was able to move his front third back into the viv when I'd finished feeding him (it's hard to close the viv doors when he's still hunting for more in the dish). When he's not in a feeding frenzy he's a lovely snake to handle. He's also had his first shed with us, all fine. Char missed the blue phase while I was away last week - being pregnant she's not handling the snakes as much as she was before. Anyway, his colours are fantastic straight after the shed.

Adora Belle hasn't been causing a bit of concern, and had a trip to the vet while I was away last week. Verdict is, that she isn't gravid, she's generally in good health, and there's something odd about her tail which isn't an infection. So thecvet thought it could be an old injury to the tail. He gave us some injections of anti-inflammatory (carprieve). I've discovered how tricky it is to deliver a subcutaneous injection to a snake that doesn't want it, and that you absolutely must put the needle in rear to front (if you go front to rear it ends up going deeper when the snake jumps forward).
Adora has eaten some salmon tonight, the first she's eaten since the pinky she took on the day she arrived.
She seems to be a snake that prefers to be out candidates being held.

So radix are still a joy.

04-03-2012, 05:48 PM
So now you get to experience giving the injections, huh? Not too fun. They taught me at my vet to do the injections rear to front...the only problem with that is that when the snake jumps and tenses her skin the needle often pops out. It certainly isn't easy giving injections to a snake! I feel for you.

Lipwig sounds exactly like Cee Cee when she eats! :D

04-11-2012, 01:42 PM
Lipwig is still the most aggressive eater in the house, he's eaten well today.

Adora is still causing some concern. She seems to have reacted to the injections, lucky she only needed 3. Over the injection sites of the two I injected the scales have kind of crinkled, I don't know how else to describe it. And after the injections I noticed Adora slithering and twisting on her back to rub where I'd injected on the substrate - it wasn't until after the second injection that I associated the twisting with the injection. Anyway, it looks like she rubbed the first injection site enough to open a wound and has taken off two scales... Not what we wanted from the anti-inflammatory injections. I've been applying a barrier ointment to avoid infection. She didn't eat today when I fed the others, but I couldn't see her eyes when I fed her.
This evening I took her out to check the wound and her eyes are clearly blue, so it looks like Adora is one who doesn't eat when shedding. So I hope that the wound will be healed up by the time she looses her skin, and that after shedding her scales will be nice and shiny again. Has anyone had any experience with shedding with a healing injury?

04-11-2012, 02:11 PM
I've had a few snakes do a quick couple of sheds after stitches were removed.

04-11-2012, 03:01 PM
I've had a few snakes do a quick couple of sheds after stitches were removed.

So can then shedding be a response to a skin injury? A case of shedding to get the skin right and help heal the injury?

04-11-2012, 03:05 PM
So can then shedding be a response to a skin injury? A case of shedding to get the skin right and help heal the injury?

Yes. Yes.

04-12-2012, 03:48 PM
I may have to look out for a radix after reading this thread :)

I'm sorry to sound like a complete noob but what are the main differences between checkereds and radix? Only the female picture looked similar to a checkered in colour and pattern, but with thicker stripes. I'll get there eventually but garters are a new,large and exciting world to me :)

04-13-2012, 01:16 AM
Steve will be happy to see another member of the cult of the radix. :)

Visually radix have a lot of variation but from what I've seen (bearing in mind that John's two radix are the first I've seen in the scale) the main differences are: radix have a much more prominent dorsal stripe; checkereds have a bolder check pattern; the background colours of checkereds doesn't vary too far from earthy-olivy sort of colours.
Behaviour-wise, radix do seem to be very intelligent and adapt well in captivity. For example, within two feeds Lipwig will come out to the front of his viv when he senses us moving nearby, and if I open the viv doors I can see him look through the glass to see if I've put a bowl of food in front of the viv, if there's food there he goes into feeding mode and comes up to the bottom ledge of the doors to be tong fed. If there's no food out there he stays calm and will pick and choose how much he interacts with me. So the point of that example is that in a new home, with a new keeper, he was instantly friendly and not jittery, and learnt after his second feed what my routine is when he gets fed.

Radix are great. The intelligence may not be unique, but it was fairly clear with Lipwig. It's harder to see with Adora because she's been to the vet, and gone into shed, so having a harder time settling.

04-13-2012, 01:28 AM
Cheers for that. They really do round rather good :) I'm guessing that they aren't that common on this side of the pond?

Its quite impressive that he has learnt your routine that quickly

04-13-2012, 01:40 AM
They pop up occasionally on the RFUK classifieds, but not the most common here. If you want a radix your best bet may be to contact Sjoerd at crazyreptiles - they are coming over to the Doncaster show in September and breed some stunning Radix.

Lipwig has shown his intelligence best, but Adora is such a friendly snake. Considering she's been to a vet, been injected a couple of times, and had me cleaning her wound every day... She hasn't bitten or musked once, and still likes to sit on my lap when she's out.

04-13-2012, 01:59 AM
I may have to look out for a radix after reading this thread :)

I'm sorry to sound like a complete noob but what are the main differences between checkereds and radix? Only the female picture looked similar to a checkered in colour and pattern, but with thicker stripes. I'll get there eventually but garters are a new,large and exciting world to me :)
Here's the link to my ID questions. if you scroll through to page 11 there starts an ID of a recent aquisition. There are clear photos of both T marcianus and T radix. ;) http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/garter-snake-lounge/10130-id-please-asap.html

04-13-2012, 06:04 AM
Having those photos side by side really helps and I can tell the difference now. The stripe on the radix is rather nice :)

04-13-2012, 06:11 AM
Having those photos side by side really helps and I can tell the difference now. The stripe on the radix is rather nice :) If you haven't already done so, then read on further down the thread and there is an ID description as well. ;)

04-13-2012, 01:56 PM
I hope poor Adora gets over her reaction to the injections, Chris. Did you mention what happened to the vet?

04-13-2012, 02:02 PM
So can then shedding be a response to a skin injury? A case of shedding to get the skin right and help heal the injury?

Cranky went into blue phase just as his incision was healing well. He needed a bit of help with the shed, but the hospital cage was very warm and dry, and that probably made things difficult. He looks great now, and the incision scar is much reduced.

04-18-2012, 01:18 PM
Well Adora shed, and made things worse. On Sunday morning (when I was trying to watch the F1) she started to shed. Because I'd been keeping the humidity low to try to help with the skin issue she took a while to get started. Once she got going she was fine up to injuries, but the shed broke at the second injury site. I ended up taking her out to help her remove the lower half of her shed, and she had no more problems.
The main issue was that the skin coming away actually tore away the healing skin, a bit like us knocking the scab off a cut. Since Sunday Adora has been living in a RUB with paper towels as a substrate. I popped her in to our local shop to get some advice (the vet doesn't open on Sundays) and they advised to treat it like a burn. So I've be treating it each day with the antimicrobial barrier ointment, and keeping an eye on it. It's starting to heal over so hopefully she can go back in her viv soon. There not much more a vet could do at the moment, there's no infection and she's not in too much pain (she doesn't pull away when I put the ointment on like she did on Sunday)

I'm convinced that these skin lesions were caused by the anti-inflammatory injections. I'll discuss with the vet when we go next visit.

Adora is a lovely snake, she still hasn't musked or bitten me.

04-18-2012, 02:04 PM
Your scab removal description sounds about right Chris. Might take a few sheds for the whole healing process to take place.

She sounds like a wonderful snake but then again she is a radix.;)

04-18-2012, 03:57 PM
Your scab removal description sounds about right Chris. Might take a few sheds for the whole healing process to take place.

She sounds like a wonderful snake but then again she is a radix.;)

That's what they said at the shop, it looks like a burn and burns take several sheds (they reckoned up to 6 months) to heal and get the pattern back. Obviously they have no experience of this in garters, so it may be that the garters higher metabolism helps them heal quicker - anyone got any evidence that my guess about rapid healing might have some basis?
How often do your big radix girls shed Steve?

As far as radix are concerned, Lipwig is worming his way up to my favourite garter. :)

04-18-2012, 06:20 PM
3 times a year as a rule.

05-09-2012, 10:29 AM
Update on Adora Belle.

Her "wounds" are looking much better, they are heavily scabbed over but I can see that the skin is healing underneath. If they were my scabs I'd be picking them off, but I just never grew out of that... Back to the snake. She goes through active spells and we see her at the front of her viv looking at us every day. Yesterday she had a couple of small pinkies and was actively hunting for more, but as she regurged the last feed I've kept this meal small. Will be keeping an eye on her for the next few days.

Update on Lipwig - he shed last week and his dorsal stripe is a great orange, his sides are yellow too. He's been off his food for the last couple of feeds around his shed, but didn't eat yesterday either. It was a pinky day, and I think he prefers salmon, but I'm not going to panda to him and get him salmon just because he refuses what he's offered. I'll start to worry if he doesn't eat the next fish feed.

I need them both to have a good feed so that I can get a decent sample for a fecal exam...

05-09-2012, 12:34 PM
How about a photo of Lipwig?

@Lipwig. I'd give you salmon if I could. Darned old mean Chris.:D

05-09-2012, 04:44 PM
How about a photo of Lipwig?

@Lipwig. I'd give you salmon if I could. Darned old mean Chris.:D

There's a couple of old ones I posted just after we got Lipwig. I took some yesterday as, well but need to transfer them from the camera
http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/IMAG0249-Lipwig.jpg (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10495&title=tradixmoist-von-lipwig&cat=734)

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/IMAG0243-Lipwig.jpg (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10494&title=tradixmoist-von-lipwig&cat=734)

05-09-2012, 04:51 PM
Thanks Chris.
I never tire of seeing radix photos. Very nice.
I'll be watching for the newer photos.

05-09-2012, 05:30 PM
I hope the female is all well and heals up quickly. Two really nice snakes you have there :)

05-10-2012, 08:54 AM
Adora seems to be getting better all the time, we know now to avoid her having the anti-inflamatory injections that caused the skin reaction.

Steve, here's some more shots of Lipwig from a couple of days ago:

... I love the colours in his eyes - amber and charcoal gradients.

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/Lipwig_-_dorsal_-_resize1080w_-_IMG_2429.JPG (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10660&title=lipwigmale-tradix8-may-2012&cat=734)

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/Lipwig_-_dorsal_-_resize1080w_-_IMG_2430.JPG (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10661&title=lipwigmale-tradix8-may-2012&cat=734)

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/Lipwig_-_lateral_-_resize1080w_-_IMG_2432.JPG (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=10663&title=lipwigmale-tradix8-may-2012&cat=734)

.... and his sides are more yellow than the camera shows. He's a lovely snake and was out at the front of his viv to see me this morning. I think he'll be happier when I get him moved somewhere larger when we move house, his viv is arboreal proportions and so far he's not shown any interest in climbing, when we're moved he'll be in a 60 or 90cm with the male Cuitzeo at the moment it's just a case of space while I've got three snakes separated (two radix and the parietalis).

05-10-2012, 09:05 AM
Thanks for those photos Chris.

08-22-2012, 03:26 PM
Well Adora shed, and made things worse. On Sunday morning (when I was trying to watch the F1) she started to shed. Because I'd been keeping the humidity low to try to help with the skin issue she took a while to get started. Once she got going she was fine up to injuries, but the shed broke at the second injury site. I ended up taking her out to help her remove the lower half of her shed, and she had no more problems.
The main issue was that the skin coming away actually tore away the healing skin, a bit like us knocking the scab off a cut. Since Sunday Adora has been living in a RUB with paper towels as a substrate.


I'm convinced that these skin lesions were caused by the anti-inflammatory injections. I'll discuss with the vet when we go next visit.

Adora is a lovely snake, she still hasn't musked or bitten me.

Adora Belle shed again today, the first time since my previous post. Her scabs have been getting better over the last few months, so the shed today was perfect, Char just went in to check on the snakes and found the shed in there. She is looking all shiny with a bright new dorsal stripe.
The injury sites where she previously had scabs are healed over, the only thing is she's just got smooth black skin there and no scales. It's what I was expecting and I can't see it causing her any problems in the future. I'd estimate that she's lost 2-3 scales on each injury site so it's not a huge surface area.

Adora is still a lovely snake, and she is slowly teaching Lacrimosa that being handled isn't something to be afraid of - sometimes Lacci takes note and comes over to my hand, other days she just watches suspiciously from a safe distance. But Adora makes me glad that we have the joy of a radix (or two) in the house.

Invisible Snake
08-22-2012, 03:36 PM
Good to hear she's getting better. Pics of her and the injury site would be helpful and educational to our newest members :D

08-22-2012, 04:03 PM
Gotta love those radi.(not a typo)

08-22-2012, 04:16 PM
Good to hear she's getting better. Pics of her and the injury site would be helpful and educational to our newest members :D

Yes and very much appreciated by the not so new but still new members:D

08-22-2012, 06:11 PM
Awesome looking snakes. Radix definatly are good looking.

08-23-2012, 01:43 AM
Hope you'r big girl heals up nicely.After reading this thread through I just have to get my hands on some radix!Does anyone know if sjoerd is bringing any to Doncaster?

08-23-2012, 02:38 AM
Yes and very much appreciated by the not so new but still new members:D

I took a few photos of the healed injuries yesterday, when I get a chance I'll post some before and after pics.

Hope you'r big girl heals up nicely.After reading this thread through I just have to get my hands on some radix!Does anyone know if sjoerd is bringing any to Doncaster?

Thanks William, I consider her healed now as the scales won't grow back.
I'm sure Sjoerd is bringing some radix or Donny, I believe all the "tangerine" line are reserved but he should have others that have a less orange stripe.

08-23-2012, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the update, Chris. Good news all around. Now...I want to see a post that a little baby Joseph (did I get the name right?) has been born. On August 31st!

01-11-2013, 11:37 AM
Time to roll out the old radix thread for an update. Both of our radix are doing well. :)

Lipwig (the male) is continuing to eat in a binge/starve pattern. He actually went through three sheds in a three month period in the run up to the New Year (the last one being the partial retained shed that I posted about). He seems to be getting on well with Vlad, but he hasn't been as good an influence on Vlad as 'Dora has been on Lacci.

Adora Belle - I look at her and think that she is older than Lipwig, but we have no way to know how old she is, she could be anything from 3 years up. She's one of my most consistent eaters and is also one of the most likely to slither straight out into my hands when I open the door.

One interesting observation recently - 'Dora was really active over the holiday period, "pacing" up and down almost every time I went into the snake room. She slowed back to normal a week or so ago, and in the last few days she's pushed out a few jellies. It was almost like she went through a cycle or "got to get pregnant... got to get pregnant before the eggs go off..." and now that she's not got her way she's shedding the unused eggs. Does that tie in with other female behaviour? Actively looking for a male and then throwing jellies?

01-11-2013, 12:00 PM
It's either that or she's looking for a place to throw the eggs. Just an idea.

01-11-2013, 01:45 PM
Glad to hear the U.K. radixes are doing so well. There are some T.radix Ranch radixes in Bonn now.

01-12-2013, 06:18 PM
It's either that or she's looking for a place to throw the eggs. Just an idea.

She doesn't care where she drops the jellies. Adora Belle is like a bull in a china shop most of the time, and isn't a snake that needs to find a nice secure place in the viv (half the time she sleeps in the open, which must confuse Lacci who likes a nice hide).

02-06-2013, 04:52 PM
Adora Belle is still throwing the odd jelly. Seems to be the same deal as last year. She's been off food since just before the first jelly and has been throwing one or two at a time for a few weeks.
She passed two today, both about 20mm long and 5-10mm across - orange colour with a harder outer and soft inside (almost granular in texture). The earlier jellies were much more poorly defined, little more than smears of the granular jelly. I'm hoping she'll stop soon and start eating again.

04-19-2013, 02:34 PM
Adora stopped throwing jellies after about a month. She went of her food during the time when she was throwing jellies, but now she's back in eating mode and putting the food away. She's weighing in at 227g having lost 22g during her non-eating spell.

Lipwig went off his food for a month or two and started eating again at the end of March. He's always gone through feast and fast cycles, when he's eating he's a good aggressive eater and pack it away. He weighed in at 68g which was just a 2g drop during his two month fast. He shed today, and had a massive spurt in activity for hours after the shed.

Now a photo of Adora Belle, Char called me in to the snake room earlier this evening to see something I had to see - I'm calling it "The Radix Knot".

http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/data//734/medium/TheRadixKnot-19Apr2013.jpg (http://www.thamnophis.com/thamphotos/showphoto.php?photo=11773&title=adora-bellethe-radix-knot19-april-2013&cat=734)

04-19-2013, 02:44 PM
Good update and good looking knotty radix.