View Full Version : force feeding time??

Light of Dae
02-24-2012, 11:27 PM
k so i've been really busy but not neglecting my pets by any means... just my computer has some dust.

George since just before turning blue for about 3-4 weeks now, has not eaten. I'm concerned.. he seems skinny... k not just seems skinny... he is skinny, without a doubt. i'll take pictures n post tomorrow. How does one go about force feeding? He has let 10 pinkie mice go bad, untouched. Babs is too full to eat ALL his untouched. His skin doesn't feel dry, he is drinking water but he just ain't eating. I'm lost as to why...

02-24-2012, 11:35 PM
Did he shed ok? Have you tried other food than the normal stuff he'd been eating? Is he active, and tongue flicking?

02-24-2012, 11:48 PM
It could be a winter thing. This happened with Seeley a couple months back. He went two months and got pretty skinny, to the point of his neck looking very thin...in fact, he still hasn't gained the weight back. If you remember, I took him to the vet and the vet said he was fine and that it was probably due to the instinct in the winter months to stop eating. He started again when I gave him worms...but now he is refusing again...only eating a couple of bites every couple of feedings. He looks very thin. But he is still pooping, drinking, tongue flicking, and active. I do not not know how to force feed...sorry...post some pics for us. I wouldn't force feed unless it was a last result though...that is why I'm saying that Seeley went two months and he is still okay...and he is very small to begin with.

02-24-2012, 11:51 PM
Force feeding is usually a bad idea, used as a VERY last resort. It can do more damage than benefit. Just keep offering. Switch it up and see if maybe his tastes have changed.

02-24-2012, 11:59 PM
Right...that is what I have always heard. I keep looking at Seeley and he looks so thin, and he worries me...but he is active enough and so I just keep offering him food and hoping for the best.

02-25-2012, 07:50 AM
weren't you having some heating probs up there about 3 weeks ago? maybe he slowed down during that period. hydra is doing the same thing, but she's still curvaceous and sultry. males sound like they they tend to be more finicky than females about eating.

02-25-2012, 10:28 AM
You're probably jumping the gun a bit. Check temperatures, and I would definitely try offering different food.

02-25-2012, 10:44 AM
I've found females to be picky also. In my opinion garters are the pickiest eaters I've ever had and I've had a few different species of snakes! ;)

Light of Dae
02-25-2012, 11:50 AM
He hasn't shed yet, his eyes have been clear for 3-4days now... he hasn't been active at all... mind you he has never been as active as Babs.. it is really cold here right now, and his 100w bulb burnt his lamp out, I have a 75w in it now but it's not as warm for him, that could be it.. he is pooped ok. he sat in the same spot for two days, I picked him up n checked him out, other then being skinny he seems alright I guess. taking pitures tonight.

02-25-2012, 12:08 PM
Any chance you could get a UTH for him? I find that helps my snakes a lot in the winter. I think that Cee Cee and Seeley both became a lot more active when I increased their temps. When Cee Cee was sick...I started putting the temps up in their enclosure to around 82-86 on the warm side during the day and 78 on the warm side at night. I always had it no higher than 80 on the warm side during the day before that. All of the sudden I noticed they seemed to be much more active and happier when I increased the temps, which I did by adding a heat pad to the lamp. I did some research and talked to other people...seems I probably should have had my temps higher all along. Now, I always try to keep it above 82 during the day on the warm side. I do let it drop down to around 75 on the warm side and to around 70 on the cool side at night now that Cee Cee is better...so that they have that night drop. I noticed as long as it is nice and toasty on the warm side during the day, and they have that drop at night...they tend to be more active and eat better. Night drops are important too. I was keeping Hermes' red lamp on all the time until recently and he was not very active. So I started shutting it off at night and just leaving a UTH on the warm side for him. Now he seems to be more active during the day over the last couple of days.

Light of Dae
02-25-2012, 09:06 PM
I'm going to put one on his new tank when ever the heck I get it done... been ******** busy, water lines still froze this morning even with being wrapped in insulation, but got it running quicker then normal. Also have a co-worker of Cole's staying with us and his 5 month old border collie, so there's way more to clean... chunks of chewed firewood, piss n crap, muddy foot print, etc. dishes etc. PLUS my momma in-law will be living with us 5 days a week for her new job! Fun fun.

Gave George a nice warm bath today after he 'pee'd' on himself. seemed to perk him up a bit, he still hasn't shed. I was also wondering about a bump I have found on his side... It seems to 'pop' or 'crack' when he moves it... could it be a dislocated rib? I noticed this bump about 2weeks ago and it hasn't changed yet...




02-25-2012, 09:26 PM
Not sure what it could be. It is something to keep an eye on though.

That first photo looks like retained shed. Very dry looking.

02-25-2012, 09:49 PM
can we get a ventral view of that bulge?

02-25-2012, 09:50 PM
Yeah...I think I would get him in a shed box ASAP. I would let him soak in there for a bit and then rub him gently with a washcloth to see if I could get that skin to come off...especially on his face and eyes and around his neck. After that, I would reassess the bump...then we can try to figure that out.

Light of Dae
02-25-2012, 10:54 PM
Not sure what it could be. It is something to keep an eye on though.
That first photo looks like retained shed. Very dry looking.

Yeah...I think I would get him in a shed box ASAP. I would let him soak in there for a bit and then rub him gently with a washcloth to see if I could get that skin to come off...especially on his face and eyes and around his neck. After that, I would reassess the bump...then we can try to figure that out.

It wasn't retained shed, although that was my first thought too. Peeked in his cage n was like HOLY CRAP!! Got some warm water n towel ready n took him out, realized he stunk like snake urates. Rubbed him down with the warm wet cloth after a good long soak. It was just PEE. lol His skin still ain't ready to come off.


He has this habit of putting his head underneath his vent n looking out from underneath himself. So I can see where he would do the dirty on himself. I was VERY thorough in trying to remove his skin... he didn't like it.

02-26-2012, 12:36 AM
So his skin doesn't look like that anymore? It wasn't dry skin?

Light of Dae
02-26-2012, 10:35 AM
nope lol just made a mess of himself is all. lol

02-26-2012, 08:04 PM
Snake looks to be a healthy weight to me. Force feeding rarely does any good anyway. Often does much harm.

02-27-2012, 02:26 AM
Snake looks to be a healthy weight to me. Force feeding rarely does any good anyway. Often does much harm.

Agreed. I can't see circumstances where I would force feed, but he looks a good size so I wouldn't be worried about him starving yet.