- Thamnophis radix erythrism (0 replies)
- ISO male Northwestern garter snakes (3 replies)
- Selling CBB garter snakes (0 replies)
- Brumation (4 replies)
- Quick ethical question (4 replies)
- Baby Garters (1 replies)
- Scaleless eastern garter morphs (13 replies)
- I want to learn more about snake breeding, where should I start? (5 replies)
- Sexing a litter (1 replies)
- The albino golden eastern garter snake (4 replies)
- Brown dekays snake (1 replies)
- Thamnophis sirtalis similis (0 replies)
- Full of babies or full of ****? (10 replies)
- 1st litter of the year (5 replies)
- 2017 Red Concinnus babies (4 replies)
- Question on breeding albino checkered garters (4 replies)
- Smokin B/W T. radix (4 replies)
- Baby garter snakes won't eat. (1 replies)
- Puget Sound babies? (4 replies)
- Erythristic Flame Goldens with and without albino (4 replies)
- Erythristic Albino Golden eastern project (7 replies)
- Question- What is this? (4 replies)
- Old Blue's First Litter (4 replies)
- Help with determining gender of new Garter (9 replies)
- Worlds First Albino Erythristic Flame Golden combination produced on 5/20/2017 (13 replies)
- Second litter of erythristic flame goldens (7 replies)
- 3rd litter of 2017 born 30 babies (7 replies)
- 2nd litter of 2017 born yesterday (9 replies)
- World's First Erythristic Goldens born 4/29/2017 (16 replies)
- Breeding question (6 replies)
- She is ready to pop (6 replies)
- Eastern Blackneck project.. (25 replies)
- Leuccistic female and other gravid female pics (10 replies)
- Is it possible for different types of garter to produce babies? (4 replies)
- Pics of some of the hopefully gravid females 2017 (12 replies)
- First mating of the season (1 replies)
- Red Concinnus Slugfest... (19 replies)
- Granite pastels.. (5 replies)
- Exciting new 2016 litter (41 replies)
- 2016 red concinnus.. (8 replies)
- New guy and new babies (9 replies)
- 2016 Albino Checkerds... (3 replies)
- T. radix Iowa blizzards and snows born- surprise litter (22 replies)
- Babies!!!!! (4 replies)
- Baby garters and a happy surpise (8 replies)
- First time babies / "Florida blue garters" (23 replies)
- 2016 Pastel granites.. (11 replies)
- 2015 Pastel Granite male.. (9 replies)
- 2 litter 2016 born yesterday (12 replies)
- Worlds first red snow? (14 replies)
- 2016 Albino checkered.... (20 replies)
- Can different subspecies conceive of spring? (29 replies)
- 2016 infernalis litter born today (11 replies)
- 2016 pastel het granite.... (53 replies)
- 2016 Gravid Radix (24 replies)
- Dalmation snake proved to be female (6 replies)
- Albino Granite Checkered (34 replies)
- This springs breeder females (6 replies)
- Discussing "Co-Allelic" recessives in T.Radix (28 replies)
- Breeding Albino Checored Garter (7 replies)
- Sexing with a flashlight? (5 replies)
- Blizzard radix female (40 replies)
- Help w/ Breeding Combonations? (16 replies)
- Blue puget female .... (48 replies)
- A question about breeding Garter Snakes (5 replies)
- 2 dead Eastern babies (21 replies)
- Silver? (11 replies)
- New eastern albino line (29 replies)
- Does anybody still work with red-sided in particular albino? (4 replies)
- Achromatic Update (8 replies)
- Achromatic (5 replies)
- List of checkered morphs? (27 replies)
- Help please! Giving birth (0 replies)
- double cluthing (12 replies)
- Thoughts on Deformities (3 replies)
- Snow VS Blizzard a Little Radix Help (3 replies)
- Nice light colored eastern! (9 replies)
- Golden female had golden babies (17 replies)
- First time babies (72 replies)
- Gravid Penny should i be concerned? (25 replies)
- surprised at this clutch pics (12 replies)
- Surprised at this clutch.. (2 replies)
- blue concinnus (5 replies)
- I have a cannibal snake (13 replies)
- Breeding 2 non recessive traits (2 replies)
- Who wants to see a bucket of golden erythristic ice cream? (19 replies)
- Mystery 2015 litter (4 replies)
- 2nd 2015 litter born this afternoon- 46 neon blue infernalis!!! (16 replies)
- Some of my prego girls (28 replies)
- 1st litter of 2015 for Garter Snake Morph (10 replies)
- Garter snake reproduction. (22 replies)
- When to separate out gravid females? (17 replies)
- Captive courting activity? (4 replies)
- Genetics (20 replies)
- breeding garters (38 replies)
- Wc az western blacknecks i picked up from a show. (11 replies)
- Didn't take long... (9 replies)
- new babies! (13 replies)
- Wc myrtle beach ery x wc indiana brick red male (7 replies)
- 1st Lock of the season (12 replies)
- Whats cooking? (705 replies)
- Two males; timing question (8 replies)
- 1st litter of the new year (31 replies)
- does she look pregnant? (4 replies)
- Breeding - ethics (20 replies)
- Kenton country albino Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (4 replies)
- Male size and breeding (15 replies)
- New Concinnus Litter of 14 (9 replies)
- Orange Albino Radix Produced a SWEET litter (10 replies)
- Axanthic (2 replies)
- Help sexing my new babies (3 replies)
- Can you determine the sex of babies? (5 replies)
- pennys' babies update (2 replies)
- babies! (7 replies)
- Becoming more beautiful every shed... (1 replies)
- annie the big B is giving birth (8 replies)
- question about partial birth (5 replies)
- 3rd litter (8 replies)
- Finally... wandering babies! (5 replies)
- 15 baby Pennys' (9 replies)
- penny just gave birth!!! (15 replies)
- Is my garter pregnant? (19 replies)
- breeding questions. (2 replies)
- Born Today (8 replies)
- Sexing help? (Didn't want to post in someone elses thread) (1 replies)
- Sexing help? (Didn't want to post in someone elses thread) (9 replies)
- New wild caught ery female probably a 2013 (21 replies)
- I need help with sexing my garter snkes (7 replies)
- Penny my darling (12 replies)
- I feel bad for Chex (13 replies)
- do you have to seperate the males from females? (5 replies)
- Im new so dont strangle me!? (13 replies)
- New here, my T.similis is hopefully having babies soon! :) (2 replies)
- First garter breeding! :) (1 replies)
- Breeding for personality (8 replies)
- Valley garter (21 replies)
- Litter#6 2014 similis (13 replies)
- Only 1 scrub? (4 replies)
- Hets? (34 replies)
- Litter #5 (8 replies)
- does she look gravid? (15 replies)
- Garter x Corn??? (14 replies)
- Another litter born (1 replies)
- Infernalis babies (8 replies)
- im dady! (15 replies)
- Litter# 4 (9 replies)
- Neon Blue Infernalis babies born today (14 replies)
- New babies (9 replies)
- 3rd litter of 2014 (21 replies)
- future breeder wandering garter (6 replies)
- Thamnophis marcianus - babies with yellow stripe (12 replies)
- First litter of the year (19 replies)
- 2nd litter of the season (5 replies)
- Bucket of babies=litter #4 ery het snow x snow easterns (8 replies)
- Shed while pregnant? (9 replies)
- Mucous plug? (4 replies)
- First litter born yesterday- Axanthic plains (14 replies)
- 3rd litter born today-ery albino x snow eastern (8 replies)
- 2nd litter born today- Axanthic plains x Dodge Co. Albino with high orange dorsal (11 replies)
- 1st litter of the season erythristic flame mohr anery bloodline (17 replies)
- Red radix project! (21 replies)
- Out of brumation (3 replies)
- A couple favorite females plumping up (14 replies)
- General Breeding Questions (2 replies)
- First mating of 2014 (6 replies)
- can you breed a checkered to a granite? (8 replies)
- question about Scott F 2014 scrubs... also what do you guys plan on breeding? (7 replies)
- A California Red-sided Garter Snake Born Here Over the Summer (4 replies)
- Adult F1 Generation Santa Cruz Garter Snakes Born Here (5 replies)
- "Flame" Phase Coast Garter Snake born here this Summer and Photographed Yesterday (3 replies)
- Wc female myrtle beach erythristic! (11 replies)
- Question about clutch size... (13 replies)
- dumb newb question (5 replies)
- Breeding question (18 replies)
- 2012 males from wc anery eastern x fl. Albino! (5 replies)
- 2012 holdback similis male! (5 replies)
- Brumation 2013 (24 replies)
- Breeding before brumation? (9 replies)
- Too late to brumate? (7 replies)
- can you Avoid breeding? (3 replies)
- Opinions on breeding a 'compromised' snake? (8 replies)
- Radix babies wooohoooo. 31 healthy babies, (16 replies)
- Some breeding results 2013... (12 replies)
- checkerd albino garter (3 replies)
- Bit confused? (4 replies)
- question (crossing species) (8 replies)
- infernalis babies (17 replies)
- Age Limits (16 replies)
- Gravid Blackneck (11 replies)
- gravid? Please help (16 replies)
- Babies born yesterday (17 replies)
- Jealousy! ....and then I found just one! (6 replies)
- Suddenly- Babies! (18 replies)
- a few questions about breeding (8 replies)
- gravid? wild caught. (22 replies)
- Babies (7 replies)
- What to do with these babies (6 replies)
- Quick breeding question. (5 replies)
- Checkered Garter Snake Male Breeding Size (1 replies)
- Florida Blue and a Red Sided (7 replies)
- Babies! (12 replies)
- Mixed Sex Housing Question (8 replies)
- Litter # I lost count-Erythristic flames het snow (26 replies)
- Red and Black Erythristic Flame Female gave birth (18 replies)
- Chances of a gravid female? (4 replies)
- First 2013 babies (3 replies)
- Not Red, But Not Orange (11 replies)
- het albino vagrans babies! (10 replies)
- 2014 High-Red Project on the Ranch (12 replies)
- Scent of a Radix Whoo-ah (4 replies)
- Checkered Garter Snake Breeding Questions (3 replies)
- Black and red radix? (3 replies)
- 3 more litters in the past 2 days (16 replies)
- Red sided morph litter (6 replies)
- Plains litter, cool crossing (13 replies)
- Litter #9 born red-sideds (15 replies)
- Two axanthic types in one litter (3 replies)
- Litter #8 born yesterday-Carteret Co. erythristic/peach flame Schuett albinos het mel (12 replies)
- Litter #7 PANDA PIED MAKERS!!! (12 replies)
- Litter 6 born today (7 replies)
- 4th and 5th litters born (9 replies)
- gravid canescens (18 replies)
- 2013 Gartersnake baby thread! (52 replies)
- 3rd litter born today- 25 big healthy babies (28 replies)
- Second litter of the 2013 season is a dandy!!! (24 replies)
- Infernalis litter born yesterday (23 replies)
- First T.s.concinnus Born at the Ranch. (30 replies)
- 2013 babies (27 replies)
- gutted! (3 replies)
- handling breeders (5 replies)
- Weight shift toward tail- how iminent is birth? (7 replies)
- Just a couple questions (9 replies)
- Research - age/size correlation to reproduction (0 replies)
- Warm up time (4 replies)
- Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus babys (13 replies)
- What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates? (28 replies)
- Breeding Advice (11 replies)
- Post-brumation Feeding (3 replies)
- Brumating/Breeding out of season (11 replies)
- General Breeding Questions (17 replies)
- Pairings for 2013 (62 replies)
- First breedings of 2013 (64 replies)
- Tail Holding :) (6 replies)
- Group shot 2012 holdbacks (74 replies)
- canescens/obscurus (11 replies)
- Brumation Dates (6 replies)
- Slugs in cooling chamber, advice and thoughts welcomed (5 replies)
- Checkered Breeding (19 replies)
- A question about mating and breeding (16 replies)
- Colors in Garters (34 replies)