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  1. It's brumation time... (39 replies)
  2. Breeding Checkereds.. (4 replies)
  3. Breeding in September?!?! (6 replies)
  4. it's posible (6 replies)
  5. Breeding Questions (1 replies)
  6. Signs of Breeding? (16 replies)
  7. How to tell if gravid? (7 replies)
  8. Birthing Question (22 replies)
  9. Baby T.s. pickeringii (21 replies)
  10. Seeking flame stud services! (3 replies)
  11. Babies wooo (11 replies)
  12. more babies (28 replies)
  13. Breeding related snakes? (66 replies)
  14. 3 baby san francisco (35 replies)
  15. Finally....babies (34 replies)
  16. marci's "albino" born (9 replies)
  17. baby questions (1 replies)
  18. second chance babies:D (50 replies)
  19. marci's born... (18 replies)
  20. Thamnophis cyrtopsis cyrtopsis gave birth! (24 replies)
  21. Mailbox had her babies! (15 replies)
  22. 11 babies eating 2 not (2 replies)
  23. 13th found (0 replies)
  24. New sirtalis babies (22 replies)
  25. *Snicker, snicker* (34 replies)
  26. 4th litter of the year! (45 replies)
  27. Marious turns out to be a girl (1 replies)
  28. 10 more little babies (13 replies)
  29. 2 babies born today (4 replies)
  30. T. s. infernalis - California Red-sided Garter Snake (46 replies)
  31. Genetics question... (2 replies)
  32. New babies 11/7/08 !!! (37 replies)
  33. Unexpect Snake Babies--Need Help (9 replies)
  34. free babies!!!!!:D:D (101 replies)
  35. What to do... (9 replies)
  36. Looking for a stud :p (PICS) (38 replies)
  37. 25 bright shiny SQUIGGLIES!! (48 replies)
  38. My first Ribbon Snake babys !! :) (20 replies)
  39. Gay sex! DX (17 replies)
  40. Brumating Q's: Headstart (11 replies)
  41. Radix Pair - Snow Hets (1 replies)
  42. Red Eastern project (63 replies)
  43. too bad... (10 replies)
  44. Babies! (39 replies)
  45. Live Births (18 replies)
  46. Birth dates (3 replies)
  47. Gravid?? I hope (4 replies)
  48. First time parents - Now what (8 replies)
  49. here's the thing (25 replies)
  50. How Fat?? (8 replies)
  51. BIG surprise........... (59 replies)
  52. 1.1, Etc. (2 replies)
  53. @garterchick (0 replies)
  54. The Great List (10 replies)
  55. Are We Close Yet??? (28 replies)
  56. T.s.sirtalis genetics question (26 replies)
  57. shoot... (138 replies)
  58. Sexing my snakes: (3 replies)
  59. feeling for babies (11 replies)
  60. Question on genetics (28 replies)
  61. babies soon (5 replies)
  62. Slither had babies, now what? (20 replies)
  63. cannibalism (6 replies)
  64. young parietalis! (59 replies)
  65. I'm bummed... (30 replies)
  66. Hibernation & Breeding (2 replies)
  67. Breeding Season (8 replies)
  68. Baby Albinos (22 replies)
  69. Melanism... (1 replies)
  70. again newborns!! marcianus (21 replies)
  71. Lestat moving in (10 replies)
  72. breaking up? (1 replies)
  73. Flame Garter Babies (18 replies)
  74. How to make them hibernate without killing them (1 replies)
  75. Baby garter advice (pic included) (26 replies)
  76. okay,more baby's born.... (46 replies)
  77. Inbreeding question (2 replies)
  78. genetics question (1 replies)
  79. Pale male (30 replies)
  80. Breeding size (2 replies)
  81. Garters gettin' funky (10 replies)
  82. third baby's born!!! (14 replies)
  83. Lulu's Albino Checkereds. (93 replies)
  84. second garters born :-) (14 replies)
  85. Sperm retention etc. (8 replies)
  86. How Often?? (9 replies)
  87. Can somebody sex my other Garter snake? (7 replies)
  88. Can somebody sex my garter snake? (13 replies)
  89. Garterbabies 2008 !! (156 replies)
  90. which one first? (21 replies)
  91. first 2008 garters born (25 replies)
  92. Any Tips of breeding Plains garters? (2 replies)
  93. quick question (5 replies)
  94. Spring! (30 replies)
  95. so im going to brumate him... (1 replies)
  96. June-July (12 replies)
  97. Breeding (25 replies)
  98. Jellybeans.. female only tank? (17 replies)
  99. Love is already in the air! (0 replies)
  100. shacking up (38 replies)
  101. genetics question (61 replies)
  102. brumation ending at our house (3 replies)
  103. More Brumation ?s..... (6 replies)
  104. Hibernation ended! (11 replies)
  105. breeding success? (24 replies)
  106. Male/Female? (9 replies)
  107. in mourning (18 replies)
  108. does this look like breeding??? (36 replies)
  109. Breeding Question! (5 replies)
  110. FINAL burmation question (32 replies)
  111. what happens if you (3 replies)
  112. is my snake gravid or sick? (7 replies)
  113. Terminology (13 replies)
  114. i looked on the internet but i couldnt find it (20 replies)
  115. brumation, again (7 replies)
  116. Anyone ever cross tetrataenia with blotched ssp. (infernalis, concinnus, parietalis) (38 replies)
  117. Tips on caring forbaby garters (13 replies)
  118. cross breeding (37 replies)
  119. my new snakes,,,,what kind are they? (31 replies)
  120. Cali's breeding (2 replies)
  121. how (3 replies)
  122. suprise!!!!!! (15 replies)
  123. Getting close (70 replies)
  124. another dumb question (16 replies)
  125. Thamnophis sauritus sackenii X Thamnophis proximus proximus (15 replies)
  126. Need some help determining sex (3 replies)
  127. brumation? (5 replies)
  128. Information (11 replies)
  129. Off Season Mating Attempts?? (14 replies)
  130. What species, what sex? (40 replies)
  131. gestation period in albino checkered (27 replies)
  132. Help? (16 replies)
  133. deformed pics (48 replies)
  134. new baby het plains (16 replies)
  135. Finally Cyrtopsis Ocellatus - Eastern Blacknecks! (38 replies)
  136. diet vs. growth rate (10 replies)
  137. can you cross breed (38 replies)
  138. baby snake head size (26 replies)
  139. Large Garter Pics (28 replies)
  140. THANK GOD my babies ate (8 replies)
  141. how many babies do T.s. pickeringii have? (11 replies)
  142. Woohoo - new baby florida blues... (33 replies)
  143. i am planning on breeding my garters when they (2 replies)
  144. One question (11 replies)
  145. Question (22 replies)
  146. anerythristic plains with wildcoloured parietalis (6 replies)
  147. Question? (3 replies)
  148. breeding size (23 replies)
  149. Record births??? (32 replies)
  150. questions on neonates. (7 replies)
  151. Melanistic wandering garter babies (13 replies)
  152. my garter clutch (1 replies)
  153. I'm going to breed mine soon (3 replies)
  154. One more litter (10 replies)
  155. new babies! (30 replies)
  156. Melanistic Plains garters (11 replies)
  157. this sounds really silly but... (10 replies)
  158. The Last Gravid Puget (13 replies)
  159. Must I hibernate them for breeding? (25 replies)
  160. Neonate predation (7 replies)
  161. bad news!!!! (13 replies)
  162. Male or female? (11 replies)
  163. Flame het albino (8 replies)
  164. putting together? (8 replies)
  165. breeding type (1 replies)
  166. given up all hope (26 replies)
  167. Color Results (9 replies)
  168. begining breeder (14 replies)
  169. breeding question? (5 replies)
  170. hi (9 replies)
  171. breeding question? (34 replies)
  172. Babies!!! (15 replies)
  173. Finally........ (19 replies)
  174. birth shots (11 replies)
  175. Deformities (14 replies)
  176. Checkereds Birth. (7 replies)
  177. mixed breed? (22 replies)
  178. erythristic babies on the way (31 replies)
  179. A Few Questions (11 replies)
  180. labor (11 replies)
  181. Some more babys ;) (20 replies)
  182. Baby snakes... (18 replies)
  183. More babies !!! (121 replies)
  184. Would it be possible to find a gravid garter this time of year? (3 replies)
  185. Quick Question (28 replies)
  186. anytime girls!!! (36 replies)
  187. first babies this year !!! (20 replies)
  188. Gravid snake (9 replies)
  189. Record for longest gestation period? (12 replies)
  190. PUGET Babies *update_ all eating well :)) (34 replies)
  191. pics of some of our gravid females ;) (18 replies)
  192. prego wc albino e.!!!! (27 replies)
  193. Breeding ages... (4 replies)
  194. Babies soon! (12 replies)
  195. PUGET BABIES #2 _ Stubby Tail (28 replies)
  196. BABIES !!! Puget_Blues !!! (34 replies)
  197. Babies (19 replies)
  198. YES!!!!! Tetrataenia baby's!!! (29 replies)
  199. Is she gravid?? (16 replies)
  200. california red spotted garters (12 replies)
  201. Babies!!! (41 replies)
  202. Breeding female (13 replies)
  203. garter @ ribbon snake?mate? & diet (4 replies)
  204. Breeding Garters (2 replies)
  205. Looking for Snake for Daughter (11 replies)
  206. Male/Female/Pregnant..? (19 replies)
  207. Male/female? (15 replies)
  208. Male or female ??? (17 replies)
  209. Breeding Progress (82 replies)
  210. Opinions on Breeding (14 replies)
  211. Breeding (0 replies)
  212. Retained Eggs (11 replies)
  213. help sexing... (36 replies)
  214. freezing mice......humane question...well lots of (50 replies)
  215. question? (11 replies)
  216. keeping snakes together and breeding?... (3 replies)
  217. "Worms" all over (12 replies)
  218. Breeding (33 replies)
  219. sexing? (6 replies)
  220. how old? (7 replies)
  221. mixed breeds???? (15 replies)
  222. breeding (4 replies)
  223. My garter had babies. (5 replies)
  224. Waiting (4 replies)
  225. How do you tell... (2 replies)
  226. Delaying birth..? (17 replies)