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  1. Not eating (22 replies)
  2. What do I need for a snake tank? and is this a good tank? (12 replies)
  3. mourning surprise birth (14 replies)
  4. husbandry and species questions (13 replies)
  5. Is pouting safe for garter food? (7 replies)
  6. Input on set-up welcome (5 replies)
  7. Trout fry (10 replies)
  8. Pugets not eating (3 replies)
  9. Eye . . . problem? Abnormality? What?!?! (1 replies)
  10. Supplements, what to use and not to use. (4 replies)
  11. What should I feed her and shedding Questions- Please Help! (21 replies)
  12. Whats the best substrate? (10 replies)
  13. A possible problem?? (17 replies)
  14. Do you feed your garter snake pinkies? (19 replies)
  15. All the feeder insects are not recommended as a food sourse for the garter snakes ?? (35 replies)
  16. Caresheet For Ribbon-Snakes ?? & Recommended Books On Captive Keeping ?? (5 replies)
  17. Slug pics? (unfertilised eggs, not food) (18 replies)
  18. Rep-Cal Multivitamins (3 replies)
  19. when to brumate? (11 replies)
  20. Thamnophis + Natrix = OK? (55 replies)
  21. Safe Wood (14 replies)
  22. How Long Can They Fast? (9 replies)
  23. Lighting for Albinos (32 replies)
  24. Earthworm feeding frequency (11 replies)
  25. ribbon feeding (19 replies)
  26. A few newbie questions...a bit confused (12 replies)
  27. basking risks (24 replies)
  28. Worm diet questions (3 replies)
  29. tetras (22 replies)
  30. Is fasting normal? (21 replies)
  31. Very thin tail (2 replies)
  32. Quick question about shedding. (7 replies)
  33. T.s.parietalis temps (22 replies)
  34. Mouse Meat and activity cycle (48 replies)
  35. Help Identifying These? (89 replies)
  36. Water hide (12 replies)
  37. Clawed frog= clawed treat? (44 replies)
  38. diet (36 replies)
  39. Feeding problems- allergic to rodents. (4 replies)
  40. A note concerning pre-packaged frozen fish (128 replies)
  41. retained shed - compound shed? (11 replies)
  42. 2.1 or 1.1 (6 replies)
  43. Supplementing Food (2 replies)
  44. 3 thamnophis!!! (31 replies)
  45. frozen fish (67 replies)
  46. Feeding ? (25 replies)
  47. Leeches as food. (8 replies)
  48. Is it time just to let her go? (22 replies)
  49. I got two bedding's, which one? (7 replies)
  50. First Shed (16 replies)
  51. Done getting "chilled out"? (3 replies)
  52. Brumation Preparation (Video) (4 replies)
  53. Vitamin and Calcium Supplements (9 replies)
  54. Just a couple of questions from someone new to snakes! (14 replies)
  55. Question about feeding (127 replies)
  56. Humidity issue (50 replies)
  57. Feeding (9 replies)
  58. Heating question... (4 replies)
  59. Need Feeding/Exercise Advice (17 replies)
  60. Have you ever tried pelletized food for your snakes?? (15 replies)
  61. UTH on the side of tank... (12 replies)
  62. Feeding pinky bits? (38 replies)
  63. Milk? (17 replies)
  64. Need a bit of advice on substrate for new tank (52 replies)
  65. The girls have a new home... (24 replies)
  66. Changing substrate? (16 replies)
  67. temperature gradient? (20 replies)
  68. Tetrafauna commercial, feauring checkered garter. Grr... (6 replies)
  69. Can Blacknecks be viv buddies with Checkereds? (5 replies)
  70. Questions about feeding... (4 replies)
  71. Brrr... brrr... brumation! (5 replies)
  72. Horrible table manners... (37 replies)
  73. Humidity ? (14 replies)
  74. can checkered live with an eastern? (7 replies)
  75. Fishhead stuck in throat (8 replies)
  76. Possible spinal problem (69 replies)
  77. Snake has stopped eating and possible injury? (4 replies)
  78. Dry mouth? Can't swallow? Choking? (11 replies)
  79. Obesity - How can you tell if your snake is obese? (16 replies)
  80. Sexing Chris and Char's snakes (15 replies)
  81. Lucifer (8 replies)
  82. Baby Garters (5 replies)
  83. Garter Snake won't eat. Help! (3 replies)
  84. First F.T.T (17 replies)
  85. Brumating, when, how.... (2 replies)
  86. R.I.? (1 replies)
  87. Provent-a-Mite (Usage) (10 replies)
  88. R.I.P. Michael (deformed) (7 replies)
  89. Oldest breeding female (22 replies)
  90. Left Shedding? (14 replies)
  91. Snake Food (13 replies)
  92. Baby Garter Snakes (37 replies)
  93. Shedding (1 replies)
  94. Feeding baby garter snakes (3 replies)
  95. to feed or not to feed that is the question (17 replies)
  96. Will they cohabit? (25 replies)
  97. "Taming" a wild caught garter (21 replies)
  98. R.I.P Thread (20 replies)
  99. Are Superworms Safe? (12 replies)
  100. Our first shed :) (19 replies)
  101. Is it likely..... (4 replies)
  102. WHat kind of Slugs are ok? (16 replies)
  103. stubborn non-eater (13 replies)
  104. Re-freezing (12 replies)
  105. When to Feed Pinkies (9 replies)
  106. Follow Up Feeding Questions (4 replies)
  107. Worm Guard (26 replies)
  108. Post Compaction Advice (56 replies)
  109. After three meals, I am puzzled (56 replies)
  110. How much food and how often? (10 replies)
  111. What fish are safe to feed with? (42 replies)
  112. Bad shed (19 replies)
  113. Questions about our first garter snake (74 replies)
  114. substrate (32 replies)
  115. Dog bit wild garter (94 replies)
  116. Cloaca/vent Photos (3 replies)
  117. Feeding Issues (27 replies)
  118. Pinky head for young snake? (15 replies)
  119. Changing colors? (28 replies)
  120. Eye coloration issue? (23 replies)
  121. Mice & Worms or just mice? (37 replies)
  122. Dead for what reason? (8 replies)
  123. Warm Water in the Enclosure? (30 replies)
  124. ID and CARE of my new snake!1 (10 replies)
  125. Reptile bark question... (10 replies)
  126. Basking light? (17 replies)
  127. How to: Scenting Worms??? (65 replies)
  128. I just got a 20Gallon Long Tank! (2 replies)
  129. Ice Cubes in the water bowl (11 replies)
  130. After Shed(what then?) (15 replies)
  131. My first Garter! (42 replies)
  132. New here, question about my snakes (25 replies)
  133. Could a Red-sided Garter snake eat doves? (40 replies)
  134. Parasite/worms and deworming question (12 replies)
  135. A question about food - thiaminase (10 replies)
  136. Question on housing males/females together (6 replies)
  137. Reluctant eaters update (4 replies)
  138. Everyday Items. (147 replies)
  139. Your thoughts on feeder fish..... (7 replies)
  140. The dirt on dirt (4 replies)
  141. My 3 yr old garter can't eat anymore. HELP! PLEASE!!!! (4 replies)
  142. CB vs WC Opinions Please (29 replies)
  143. I Hate Parasites(worms) (24 replies)
  144. Im in need of some help! (25 replies)
  145. Humidity (18 replies)
  146. Question about worm born parasites. (23 replies)
  147. new owner (20 replies)
  148. They won't eat :( is cat food really ok? (20 replies)
  149. feeding baby garters (112 replies)
  150. Stool question (9 replies)
  151. Not eating (9 replies)
  152. communal Housing (27 replies)
  153. Pinkies are smaller than I thought! (6 replies)
  154. Worm Questions (8 replies)
  155. Handling Confidence (33 replies)
  156. Shed Box Video (4 replies)
  157. Container Feeding Video (27 replies)
  158. Temperature Gradient (12 replies)
  159. Good Hygiene (13 replies)
  160. Baby care? (89 replies)
  161. Peat Moss (8 replies)
  162. Best deal on Aspen ever.. (57 replies)
  163. Wild caught pinkies- would you feed? (8 replies)
  164. PeteyAnn and the Pinky (5 replies)
  165. Birth Control -- Prevent Unwanted Breeding (20 replies)
  166. Brumation? (5 replies)
  167. Water conditioner (6 replies)
  168. Aagh!! Parasites?!? (25 replies)
  169. Reluctant eaters (11 replies)
  170. Checkard Garter Care (15 replies)
  171. guppies (11 replies)
  172. Depression? (6 replies)
  173. What do you think!!!!! (16 replies)
  174. The Danger Zone (19 replies)
  175. Where to get mice? (54 replies)
  176. Bugs in the earthworm box (7 replies)
  177. A little scare (5 replies)
  178. Storing earthworms (22 replies)
  179. Canned Cat Food for a Garter..? (37 replies)
  180. He finally ate!!! (6 replies)
  181. Shed Stages (69 replies)
  182. Poop ID. (101 replies)
  183. Silversides??? (12 replies)
  184. Mites... (12 replies)
  185. UK Carefresh substitute (16 replies)
  186. getting ready to shed (24 replies)
  187. Snake escaped! (18 replies)
  188. Hows my checkered garter & setup look? (19 replies)
  189. Checkered Garter Snake (43 replies)
  190. My injured snake.. (189 replies)
  191. Humidity and Shedding (14 replies)
  192. Now Eating Silversides!! (4 replies)
  193. What to feed my snake ? (12 replies)
  194. White spots and "wierd" behavior (25 replies)
  195. Scenting still not working (41 replies)
  196. What to do? (6 replies)
  197. Garter snake not eating (31 replies)
  198. What can I keep with my checkered? (7 replies)
  199. Substrate question (5 replies)
  200. Can someone help me? (9 replies)
  201. At wits end... how do I get this guy to eat?? (8 replies)
  202. Mouse Tails (5 replies)
  203. Feeder frogs? (5 replies)
  204. My tiny male Eastern Blackneck finally took a guppy today! (2 replies)
  205. Quick Shedding Question (21 replies)
  206. Can Ribbons live with Garters? (26 replies)
  207. BRumating a baby.... (9 replies)
  208. What do you do with your garters when you travel? (19 replies)
  209. Still hasn't shed. (8 replies)
  210. Caging suggestions? (6 replies)
  211. Best bedding? (14 replies)
  212. Frustration in feeding (11 replies)
  213. Best diet and schedule? (12 replies)
  214. do aphids harm the garters? (40 replies)
  215. Can't tame my snake (37 replies)
  216. Do Danio fish carry thiaminase? (10 replies)
  217. New substrate? (59 replies)
  218. Can I skip brumation? (7 replies)
  219. Where can I find feeder guppies? (14 replies)
  220. Can an eastern garter live with a Red Sided garter? (38 replies)
  221. Help needed with brumation (9 replies)
  222. Silv still not eating... (10 replies)
  223. Garter wont eat worms? (48 replies)
  224. Another lethal batch of Wal Mart fish (39 replies)
  225. Chilled out. (26 replies)
  226. Fell In love with a backyard snake.. looking for advice! (64 replies)
  227. checkereds not eating..? (4 replies)
  228. Escape Trials and Tribulations (31 replies)
  229. A weird poop (11 replies)
  230. Brumation for breeding strategies. (4 replies)
  231. Cloudy eyes AFTER last shed? (8 replies)
  232. My Snakes (5 replies)
  233. Hunger Strike? (1 replies)
  234. Raising fish (12 replies)
  235. Overnight Temperatures (3 replies)
  236. Clumsy baby (102 replies)
  237. Method for Storing Pinkies? (10 replies)
  238. earthworm (6 replies)
  239. Size marigin of safety? (7 replies)
  240. A little advice (11 replies)
  241. Medicated Guppies (12 replies)
  242. cohabitation (4 replies)
  243. New to garters need help (9 replies)
  244. Feeding issues (11 replies)
  245. New garter snake feeding (36 replies)
  246. Fright of my life! (13 replies)
  247. feeding help (2 replies)
  248. Feeding garters (11 replies)
  249. Lots of questions (97 replies)
  250. Worm Donut (7 replies)