- Not eating (22 replies)
- What do I need for a snake tank? and is this a good tank? (12 replies)
- mourning surprise birth (14 replies)
- husbandry and species questions (13 replies)
- Is pouting safe for garter food? (7 replies)
- Input on set-up welcome (5 replies)
- Trout fry (10 replies)
- Pugets not eating (3 replies)
- Eye . . . problem? Abnormality? What?!?! (1 replies)
- Supplements, what to use and not to use. (4 replies)
- What should I feed her and shedding Questions- Please Help! (21 replies)
- Whats the best substrate? (10 replies)
- A possible problem?? (17 replies)
- Do you feed your garter snake pinkies? (19 replies)
- All the feeder insects are not recommended as a food sourse for the garter snakes ?? (35 replies)
- Caresheet For Ribbon-Snakes ?? & Recommended Books On Captive Keeping ?? (5 replies)
- Slug pics? (unfertilised eggs, not food) (18 replies)
- Rep-Cal Multivitamins (3 replies)
- when to brumate? (11 replies)
- Thamnophis + Natrix = OK? (55 replies)
- Safe Wood (14 replies)
- How Long Can They Fast? (9 replies)
- Lighting for Albinos (32 replies)
- Earthworm feeding frequency (11 replies)
- ribbon feeding (19 replies)
- A few newbie questions...a bit confused (12 replies)
- basking risks (24 replies)
- Worm diet questions (3 replies)
- tetras (22 replies)
- Is fasting normal? (21 replies)
- Very thin tail (2 replies)
- Quick question about shedding. (7 replies)
- T.s.parietalis temps (22 replies)
- Mouse Meat and activity cycle (48 replies)
- Help Identifying These? (89 replies)
- Water hide (12 replies)
- Clawed frog= clawed treat? (44 replies)
- diet (36 replies)
- Feeding problems- allergic to rodents. (4 replies)
- A note concerning pre-packaged frozen fish (128 replies)
- retained shed - compound shed? (11 replies)
- 2.1 or 1.1 (6 replies)
- Supplementing Food (2 replies)
- 3 thamnophis!!! (31 replies)
- frozen fish (67 replies)
- Feeding ? (25 replies)
- Leeches as food. (8 replies)
- Is it time just to let her go? (22 replies)
- I got two bedding's, which one? (7 replies)
- First Shed (16 replies)
- Done getting "chilled out"? (3 replies)
- Brumation Preparation (Video) (4 replies)
- Vitamin and Calcium Supplements (9 replies)
- Just a couple of questions from someone new to snakes! (14 replies)
- Question about feeding (127 replies)
- Humidity issue (50 replies)
- Feeding (9 replies)
- Heating question... (4 replies)
- Need Feeding/Exercise Advice (17 replies)
- Have you ever tried pelletized food for your snakes?? (15 replies)
- UTH on the side of tank... (12 replies)
- Feeding pinky bits? (38 replies)
- Milk? (17 replies)
- Need a bit of advice on substrate for new tank (52 replies)
- The girls have a new home... (24 replies)
- Changing substrate? (16 replies)
- temperature gradient? (20 replies)
- Tetrafauna commercial, feauring checkered garter. Grr... (6 replies)
- Can Blacknecks be viv buddies with Checkereds? (5 replies)
- Questions about feeding... (4 replies)
- Brrr... brrr... brumation! (5 replies)
- Horrible table manners... (37 replies)
- Humidity ? (14 replies)
- can checkered live with an eastern? (7 replies)
- Fishhead stuck in throat (8 replies)
- Possible spinal problem (69 replies)
- Snake has stopped eating and possible injury? (4 replies)
- Dry mouth? Can't swallow? Choking? (11 replies)
- Obesity - How can you tell if your snake is obese? (16 replies)
- Sexing Chris and Char's snakes (15 replies)
- Lucifer (8 replies)
- Baby Garters (5 replies)
- Garter Snake won't eat. Help! (3 replies)
- First F.T.T (17 replies)
- Brumating, when, how.... (2 replies)
- R.I.? (1 replies)
- Provent-a-Mite (Usage) (10 replies)
- R.I.P. Michael (deformed) (7 replies)
- Oldest breeding female (22 replies)
- Left Shedding? (14 replies)
- Snake Food (13 replies)
- Baby Garter Snakes (37 replies)
- Shedding (1 replies)
- Feeding baby garter snakes (3 replies)
- to feed or not to feed that is the question (17 replies)
- Will they cohabit? (25 replies)
- "Taming" a wild caught garter (21 replies)
- R.I.P Thread (20 replies)
- Are Superworms Safe? (12 replies)
- Our first shed :) (19 replies)
- Is it likely..... (4 replies)
- WHat kind of Slugs are ok? (16 replies)
- stubborn non-eater (13 replies)
- Re-freezing (12 replies)
- When to Feed Pinkies (9 replies)
- Follow Up Feeding Questions (4 replies)
- Worm Guard (26 replies)
- Post Compaction Advice (56 replies)
- After three meals, I am puzzled (56 replies)
- How much food and how often? (10 replies)
- What fish are safe to feed with? (42 replies)
- Bad shed (19 replies)
- Questions about our first garter snake (74 replies)
- substrate (32 replies)
- Dog bit wild garter (94 replies)
- Cloaca/vent Photos (3 replies)
- Feeding Issues (27 replies)
- Pinky head for young snake? (15 replies)
- Changing colors? (28 replies)
- Eye coloration issue? (23 replies)
- Mice & Worms or just mice? (37 replies)
- Dead for what reason? (8 replies)
- Warm Water in the Enclosure? (30 replies)
- ID and CARE of my new snake!1 (10 replies)
- Reptile bark question... (10 replies)
- Basking light? (17 replies)
- How to: Scenting Worms??? (65 replies)
- I just got a 20Gallon Long Tank! (2 replies)
- Ice Cubes in the water bowl (11 replies)
- After Shed(what then?) (15 replies)
- My first Garter! (42 replies)
- New here, question about my snakes (25 replies)
- Could a Red-sided Garter snake eat doves? (40 replies)
- Parasite/worms and deworming question (12 replies)
- A question about food - thiaminase (10 replies)
- Question on housing males/females together (6 replies)
- Reluctant eaters update (4 replies)
- Everyday Items. (147 replies)
- Your thoughts on feeder fish..... (7 replies)
- The dirt on dirt (4 replies)
- My 3 yr old garter can't eat anymore. HELP! PLEASE!!!! (4 replies)
- CB vs WC Opinions Please (29 replies)
- I Hate Parasites(worms) (24 replies)
- Im in need of some help! (25 replies)
- Humidity (18 replies)
- Question about worm born parasites. (23 replies)
- new owner (20 replies)
- They won't eat :( is cat food really ok? (20 replies)
- feeding baby garters (112 replies)
- Stool question (9 replies)
- Not eating (9 replies)
- communal Housing (27 replies)
- Pinkies are smaller than I thought! (6 replies)
- Worm Questions (8 replies)
- Handling Confidence (33 replies)
- Shed Box Video (4 replies)
- Container Feeding Video (27 replies)
- Temperature Gradient (12 replies)
- Good Hygiene (13 replies)
- Baby care? (89 replies)
- Peat Moss (8 replies)
- Best deal on Aspen ever.. (57 replies)
- Wild caught pinkies- would you feed? (8 replies)
- PeteyAnn and the Pinky (5 replies)
- Birth Control -- Prevent Unwanted Breeding (20 replies)
- Brumation? (5 replies)
- Water conditioner (6 replies)
- Aagh!! Parasites?!? (25 replies)
- Reluctant eaters (11 replies)
- Checkard Garter Care (15 replies)
- guppies (11 replies)
- Depression? (6 replies)
- What do you think!!!!! (16 replies)
- The Danger Zone (19 replies)
- Where to get mice? (54 replies)
- Bugs in the earthworm box (7 replies)
- A little scare (5 replies)
- Storing earthworms (22 replies)
- Canned Cat Food for a Garter..? (37 replies)
- He finally ate!!! (6 replies)
- Shed Stages (69 replies)
- Poop ID. (101 replies)
- Silversides??? (12 replies)
- Mites... (12 replies)
- UK Carefresh substitute (16 replies)
- getting ready to shed (24 replies)
- Snake escaped! (18 replies)
- Hows my checkered garter & setup look? (19 replies)
- Checkered Garter Snake (43 replies)
- My injured snake.. (189 replies)
- Humidity and Shedding (14 replies)
- Now Eating Silversides!! (4 replies)
- What to feed my snake ? (12 replies)
- White spots and "wierd" behavior (25 replies)
- Scenting still not working (41 replies)
- What to do? (6 replies)
- Garter snake not eating (31 replies)
- What can I keep with my checkered? (7 replies)
- Substrate question (5 replies)
- Can someone help me? (9 replies)
- At wits end... how do I get this guy to eat?? (8 replies)
- Mouse Tails (5 replies)
- Feeder frogs? (5 replies)
- My tiny male Eastern Blackneck finally took a guppy today! (2 replies)
- Quick Shedding Question (21 replies)
- Can Ribbons live with Garters? (26 replies)
- BRumating a baby.... (9 replies)
- What do you do with your garters when you travel? (19 replies)
- Still hasn't shed. (8 replies)
- Caging suggestions? (6 replies)
- Best bedding? (14 replies)
- Frustration in feeding (11 replies)
- Best diet and schedule? (12 replies)
- do aphids harm the garters? (40 replies)
- Can't tame my snake (37 replies)
- Do Danio fish carry thiaminase? (10 replies)
- New substrate? (59 replies)
- Can I skip brumation? (7 replies)
- Where can I find feeder guppies? (14 replies)
- Can an eastern garter live with a Red Sided garter? (38 replies)
- Help needed with brumation (9 replies)
- Silv still not eating... (10 replies)
- Garter wont eat worms? (48 replies)
- Another lethal batch of Wal Mart fish (39 replies)
- Chilled out. (26 replies)
- Fell In love with a backyard snake.. looking for advice! (64 replies)
- checkereds not eating..? (4 replies)
- Escape Trials and Tribulations (31 replies)
- A weird poop (11 replies)
- Brumation for breeding strategies. (4 replies)
- Cloudy eyes AFTER last shed? (8 replies)
- My Snakes (5 replies)
- Hunger Strike? (1 replies)
- Raising fish (12 replies)
- Overnight Temperatures (3 replies)
- Clumsy baby (102 replies)
- Method for Storing Pinkies? (10 replies)
- earthworm (6 replies)
- Size marigin of safety? (7 replies)
- A little advice (11 replies)
- Medicated Guppies (12 replies)
- cohabitation (4 replies)
- New to garters need help (9 replies)
- Feeding issues (11 replies)
- New garter snake feeding (36 replies)
- Fright of my life! (13 replies)
- feeding help (2 replies)
- Feeding garters (11 replies)
- Lots of questions (97 replies)
- Worm Donut (7 replies)